Should a schoolgirl of 16 marry her Re-teacher of 49?
Aug 2, 2008 03:24
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Chinese bride pervs? Why? Is there a significant age difference? If there is then maybe the comments are accurate, the fact their wives are from China is immaterial. Nice to see that by posting as a GUEST you don't have the courage to explain this pathetic attack, jeez, get a life dude. Perhaps some people here would never condone any violent attack but me?......
Aug 2, 2008 04:47
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Again the support club seem to be ignoring the main point.
The man is a teacher.
His subject is Christianity. He purports to hold the moral high ground by this very fact.
If the girl did start to have a crush on him, he should have done the honorable thing and walked away. Sometimes you just cannot have what you want. Some people just do not seem to understand that fact any more or are simple unwilling.
Your examples are a complete red herring.
On the other hand, should I call you the cyber hero?
I have no idea how JC met his wife. It is simple none of my business. Neither have I ever met him face to face but I have been able by reading his many posts, been able to see quite clearly that he is a man of principle with a sense of humour.
In regards to me, you are so far off the mark its funny.
If you would care to go through some of my posts, you will see how I met my Wife.
It’s a shame in a way that we will never meet. However, I have a feely that our conversation would have been a short one.
Thanks for dropping in.

PS. On reflection it was the best five quid I have ever spent.
Aug 2, 2008 07:35
GUEST25146 Again Dodge

YOU are mssing the point. Do you not read the news?????? He left the school in March 2007. Jess got in touch with him in October......he was NO LONGER a teacher.

He was in talks with the Bishop it is reported and WAS doing the honourable thing and withdrawing from training.

If you care to go through the news and see the balance of reports you will see you and JC are just not clear on the differently reported facts.

Whilst you may be more courteous your friend JC is about as principled as a spot on a baboons arse. His post about Parson this and Parson that is factually wrong.....biased...narrowminded and as for moral high ground! Yes he certainly does do that.

The funniest comment is you are not bothereds about how he met his wife...yet you chose to believe ignorantly a clearly one sided story on the net.

I also forgot JC posted about my support of Simon and how I was clearly a dodgy individual. He does not know me. He does not know my background. He showed no courtesy just as usual his seemingly pathetic attacking stance. I hope I bump into him one day and as I fly over all the world as a legal attorney I hope to see him.

Grow up you arrogant old farts and see the news for what it is and do not report unjustly.
Aug 2, 2008 08:16
  • JCNILE123
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Thank you Lesbub,

Thank you Dodger,

Nothing to add at this particular time.
Aug 3, 2008 22:17
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Very interesting thing going on here.

"The man is a teacher.
His subject is Christianity. He purports to hold the moral high ground by this very fact."

What if the man is an atheist and not a teacher? Would it be ok for him to hook up with a 16-year old then?

By the way, I know a lot of so-called Christians who cuss like there is no tomorrow. In fact, the most deceiving, cruel people I've ever known are so-called 'religious'. Very weird.
Aug 3, 2008 22:48
  • SONIA1985
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Dodger.nice speech
Aug 3, 2008 22:57
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Sonia, thanks
Aug 4, 2008 04:26
  • SONIA1985
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I think in everybody's mind,there should be a moral or ethical rule concerning marraige ,Even if it is not right to sneer at such affair,it didn't deserve of our support.Lot of people might said it is her or his business,we have no right to judge...If there is no moral or ethical rule towards marriage..As time goes by,affairs between uncle and niece,between brother and sister might become justifiable........
Aug 4, 2008 05:37
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Well said Sonia.
Aug 4, 2008 07:48
GUEST54109 define morality
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