Why not all the wealthy marry belles?
Oct 9, 2008 09:03
  • SONIA1985
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SUMMERSNOW ,but i think it is not must that who is powerful by virtue of his money must take beauty as the biggest advantage/virtue of a woman while other doesn't.....don't you think so?
Oct 9, 2008 11:09
  • GRIZ326
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Money begets power. Power begets influence. Influence begets money. With one you can have the others.

Rich men feed their egos; wealthy men feed their souls.

Oct 10, 2008 07:59
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A rich man generally attracts a certain kind of woman. He likes the arm candy to impress his friends and boost his ego, she likes the trappings of wealth. If his wealth or her looks diminish then the marriage will probably go as well.

In my opinion, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and is not necessarily on the surface. When you love someone you see far more than a face or figure. A good personality and caring nature are very important ingredients in a relationship, and last far longer than looks. The man or woman you love might not win a beauty contest, but to you they are the most beautiful people in the world.
Oct 10, 2008 13:40
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Old, boring saying, Gaffer.

But I underline it!

Oct 10, 2008 21:39
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Men with great fortune desire for belles to tickle the vanity. Wanting a belle is for show-off.
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