Did USA really land on the moon?
Mar 18, 2009 10:33
GUEST24503 I think you are all wrong anyway. There isnt such thing as the U.S. in the first place, so you are all morons.
Apr 6, 2009 03:54
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Guest01241, it’s great to see that you have done some research on this subject.
Well done; I’m now convinced.
Apr 6, 2009 04:50
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HI DODGER I AM Guest01241 i am glad ur convinced:)
Apr 6, 2009 04:53
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HI GUYS! i am guest01241... i just want to repost what i have posted before:)


1. There is a kind of competition happened back then, to prove who has really best equipments in science...
-There is a great possibility (more than 100%) they just lied that they landed on the moon for them to have the recognition. why?
1.a. because, there are many of times they tried to travel, sending many machines to moon, but it always FAILS!!! but when this competition came they landed on the moon without any DISTURBANCE or WRONG things happened. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! right?

2. Earth is being protected by our most important ATMOSPHERE from UVR a.k.a. sun's rays!!! so it is very impossible that they went OUTSIDE OF THE ATMOSPHERE safely!!! right? without the atmosphere it is very impossible for us to survive...

3. From the pictures of the moon in 1969, there are no BACKGROUNDS, even stars or something!!! Totally FAKED!!! Impossible!!! right?

4. The Flag on the moon is moving even though without AIR!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!! right? so what if they tested it on a vaccum? take note they tested it here in land with AIR!!! so it is really IMPOSSIBLE!!!

5. If they really landed before why didn't they ever think to go back again to the moon all these years? wait, I KNOW so that hey will never LIE again... right?

Apr 6, 2009 09:36
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DODGER LOL... Apparently NIKKI16C does not know sarcasm or history. So let me put in my two cents

All the buzz about the Moon began on February 15th when Fox television aired a program called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Guests on the show argued that NASA technology in the 1960's wasn't up to the task of a real Moon landing. Instead, anxious to win the Space Race any way it could, NASA acted out the Apollo program in movie studios. Neil Armstrong's historic first steps on another world, the rollicking Moon Buggy rides, even Al Shepard's arcing golf shot over Fra Mauro-- it was all a fake!

Fortunately the Soviets didn't think of the gag first. They could have filmed their own fake Moon landings and really embarrassed the free world.

According to the show NASA was a blundering movie producer thirty years ago. For example, Conspiracy Theory pundits pointed out a seeming discrepancy in Apollo imagery: Pictures of astronauts transmitted from the Moon don't include stars in the dark lunar sky -- an obvious production error! What happened? Did NASA film-makers forget to turn on the constellations?

Most photographers already know the answer: It's difficult to capture something very bright and something else very dim on the same piece of film -- typical emulsions don't have enough "dynamic range." Astronauts striding across the bright lunar soil in their sunlit spacesuits were literally dazzling. Setting a camera with the proper exposure for a glaring spacesuit would naturally render background stars too faint to see.

Here's another one: Pictures of Apollo astronauts erecting a US flag on the Moon show the flag bending and rippling. How can that be? After all, there's no breeze on the Moon....

Not every waving flag needs a breeze -- at least not in space. When astronauts were planting the flagpole they rotated it back and forth to better penetrate the lunar soil (anyone who's set a blunt tent-post will know how this works). So of course the flag waved! Unfurling a piece of rolled-up cloth with stored angular momentum will naturally result in waves and ripples -- no breeze required!

The Fox documentary went on with plenty more specious points. You can find detailed rebuttals to each of them at and the Moon Hoax web page. (These are independent sites, not sponsored by NASA.)

Apr 6, 2009 09:37
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The best rebuttal to allegations of a "Moon Hoax," however, is common sense. Evidence that the Apollo program really happened is compelling: A dozen astronauts (laden with cameras) walked on the Moon between 1969 and 1972. Nine of them are still alive and can testify to their experience. They didn't return from the Moon empty-handed, either. Just as Columbus carried a few hundred natives back to Spain as evidence of his trip to the New World, Apollo astronauts brought 841 pounds of Moon rock home to Earth.

"Moon rocks are absolutely unique," says Dr. David McKay, Chief Scientist for Planetary Science and Exploration at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC). McKay is a member of the group that oversees the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility at JSC where most of the Moon rocks are stored. "They differ from Earth rocks in many respects," he added.

"For example," explains Dr. Marc Norman, a lunar geologist at the University of Tasmania, "lunar samples have almost no water trapped in their crystal structure, and common substances such as clay minerals that are ubiquitous on Earth are totally absent in Moon rocks."

Just as meteoroids constantly bombard the Moon so do cosmic rays, and they leave their fingerprints on Moon rocks, too. "There are isotopes in Moon rocks, isotopes we don't normally find on Earth, that were created by nuclear reactions with the highest-energy cosmic rays," says McKay. Earth is spared from such radiation by our protective atmosphere and magnetosphere.

Even if scientists wanted to make something like a Moon rock by, say, bombarding an Earth rock with high energy atomic nuclei, they couldn't. Earth's most powerful particle accelerators can't energize particles to match the most potent cosmic rays, which are themselves accelerated in supernova blastwaves and in the violent cores of galaxies.

Indeed, says McKay, faking a Moon rock well enough to hoodwink an international army of scientists might be more difficult than the Manhattan Project. "It would be easier to just go to the Moon and get one," he quipped.

And therein lies an original idea: Did NASA go to the Moon to collect props for a staged Moon landing? It's an interesting twist on the conspiracy theory that TV producers might consider for their next episode of the Moon Hoax.

Apr 6, 2009 09:38
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"I have here in my office a 10-foot high stack of scientific books full of papers about the Apollo Moon rocks," added McKay. "Researchers in thousands of labs have examined Apollo Moon samples -- not a single paper challenges their origin! And these aren't all NASA employees, either. We've loaned samples to scientists in dozens of countries [who have no reason to cooperate in any hoax]."

Even Dr. Robert Park, Director of the Washington office of the American Physical Society and a noted critic of NASA's human space flight program, agrees with the space agency on this issue. "The body of physical evidence that humans did walk on the Moon is simply overwhelming."

"Fox should stick to making cartoons," agreed Marc Norman. "I'm a big fan of The Simpsons!"
Apr 12, 2009 01:59
GUESTMILLER Ever wondered why America did not follow up with any more lunar landing?

That's because the Eagle has 'landed' in a top-secret military facility back in the good old United States. Fooled the world muahahahaha....
Apr 12, 2009 21:46
Thank you.

Fox News (usually referred to as "Fox Noise" or "Faux News") is a joke.

May 3, 2009 01:04
GUEST99243 That's right, the astronauts didn't land on the Moon. Also, Columbus never sailed to America, World War II never happened, the Sahara Desert is actually covered with apple trees, and everybody in the world is really intelligent.
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