Did USA really land on the moon?
Jan 10, 2009 18:52
GUEST41142 Ruissa was the first who pPLANNED to lan on the moon....then America got jaloux, and they wanted to lan on the moon to. But! here is some facts:

armstrong was never on the moon...this means that nobody has ever been on the moon!..prove: There's no air so the flag can't be wawing. THere's is gravity on the moon but it's just weak...gravity just hold us down...but cause of no air the flag cant be wawing..

russia did also never lan on the moon...nobody has..prove: how do we know where to lan on the moon? what if "we" lan in a big hole cause of no atmosfear(or however you spell it)?...atmosfear protects plantes against comets do we know where to lan excactly? this is a big risk....

and IF they landed on the do they know how to get back? I mean, you need to be 100% correct when you're doing such things as this....THE HUMAN RACE ARE SUPOSED TO BE ON THE EARTH, WALKING!.

Jan 17, 2009 23:14
GUEST90318 who has enough time on their hands to sit here talking about the *** moon landing
Jan 20, 2009 13:29
GUEST16179 fake!!!
Jan 22, 2009 13:33
GUEST55866 what!!!!!!
Feb 4, 2009 17:29
GUESTCAPELIGHT I absolutely do not believe that the US landed on the moon. I believe it was a complete hoax. I believe that Area 51 is where it all happened, in the Nevada dessert. They can say what they want to. Yes, people went into space and it was a conspiracy and they were paid well to do it. They did not land on the moon. We can be brainwashed into thinking anything we want to. I am also with the person who indicated, why do they not show the flag on the moon. Why do they not show the moonrover or whatever it was called. Technology is a whole lot better now and you think that they would be doing a special on it and commenorating it. I never hear an anniversary story of the moon landing, think about it. We always have anniversarys of when Kennedy was murdered. When ML King was murdered. There are numerous anniversaries every year. WHAT ABOUT THE MOON LANDING, NEVER DO WE HEAR ANYTHING, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT LAND THERE, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.
Feb 26, 2009 12:02
GUEST10286 Yes, the U.S. landed on the moon. Here are some websites detailing every argument saying the landing was hoaxed. They are very long. Don't worry, I know you won't read it, especially if you already believe it was a hoax.

It's science, you should keep your conjecture to yourself.
Mar 2, 2009 03:24
GUESTTRUTH It is the biggest lies USA has ever told to the rest of world. Why didn't USA has never landed on the moon again after that? And why there were no celebration to mark the event every year.
Mar 2, 2009 05:41
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If the moon landing was a hoax(and I don't believe it was) then the 9/11 incident is a very
close 2nd.
Mar 3, 2009 00:15
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Gary, everybody knows that 9/11 was a CIA plot to discredit a certain group and to create a reason to invade Iraq.
Mar 3, 2009 21:25
GUESTEXAS See the top edge of the flag? straight line right? it's a steel rod holding it up moron
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