87-year-old woman forced to live in pigsty
Sep 3, 2008 00:03
  • JCNILE123
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(((there is no God - he doesn't exist)))

I have never procured to contradict any god-less individual, and you are not any better than the others to make this a first.
It is you opinion, and if you are happy then be it. You do not batter me; you can type it a million times, I do not care.

One thing I know; He, he. It bitters you if I speak or others type something about God. It make’s you sick.
Therefore, I consider it a mission accomplished.

You are not that smart as you pretend to show others, because I manage to make you react to may delight.
In others words I control your impulse from so far away. I control you...He, he,

On a serious note,
Based on your writings; I can see the poor quality your intellect, and the hollowness of your words.
If reading the science books you have read I, will in turn be as you are.
I certainly prefer my ignorance.

People like you go around and the one think they cannot make a claim to, is friends.

(((we are here for you. )))

Your overwhelming ignorance leads you to think that you can speak up for the others in this forum.
I hate to give you the bad news, some one has to do it. Just take note YOU ARE NO BODY... how you can say “WE”.

You are not worthy of it, but GOD loves you.

Take care Mr Baron, and be nice, that is what I want you to do.

Do not make a fool out your self, watch your tongue.
Sep 4, 2008 03:35
GUEST0122 The old woman's son is a jerk. Think it over! Your wife asked your mother to live in a pigsty. She actually your mother as a "Pig". She insulted your mother. Meanwhile, she insulted you. You are a son of "a woman being forced to live in a pigsty".
Sep 5, 2008 09:49
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Five fingers are not equals. Its not general case may be special bad one.
Sep 7, 2008 22:06
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JCNILE - You are clearly a very sick individual. Are you the same person as Blueyank, but just sign in under a different id? I think it is probable.

Please remember - 1 pair of hands at work achieves more than a thousand pairs clasped in prayer. Think about it.
Sep 7, 2008 22:51
  • JCNILE123
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(((JCNILE –You are clearly a very sick individual. Are you the same person as Blueyank, but just sign in under a different id? I think it is probable.)))

After so many days thinking about it, that is all you can write!

Like snow in summer, or rain in harvest, honor for a fool is out of place.

Like the sparrow in its flitting, like the swallow in its flight, a curse uncalled-for arrives nowhere.

The whip for the horse, the bridle for the ass, and the rod for the back of fools.

Answer not the fool according to his folly, lest you too become like him.

Answer the fool according to his folly, lest he become wise in his own eyes.

He cuts off his feet, he drinks down violence, who sends messages by a fool.

A proverb in the mouth of a fool hangs limp, like crippled legs.

Like one who entangles the stone in the sling is he who gives honor to a fool.

Like a thorn stick brandished by the hand of a drunkard is a proverb in the mouth of fools.

Like an archer wounding all who pass by is he who hires a drunken fool.

As the dog returns to his vomit, so the fool repeats his folly.

You see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

This from a book named The Holy Bible.

From me to you, Mr Baron.

You are not worthy of it, but GOD loves you

Take care Mr Baron, and be nice, that is what I want you to do.

As I said before I say it again “Do not make a fool out your self, watch your tongue.”
Sep 7, 2008 23:10
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God doesnt love any one because he doesnt exist.

How about you prove to us he exists and then we will all follow you and his way.

Believing in god is a faith, one that doesnt require a shread of proof or evidence.
Sep 7, 2008 23:16
  • BBQQ
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Hello gentlemen,

What make you so aggressive to each other? Can't you express your thoughts in a mild and polite way? Hope you all are well and become courteous.
Sep 7, 2008 23:18
  • JCNILE123
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As I said before to the other poster, I say it to you too.

Quote, I have never procured to contradict any god-less individual, and you are not any better than the others to make this a first.
It is you opinion, and if you are happy then be it. You do not batter me; you can type it a million times, I do not care.

If you are ok with oranges, it does not batter me at all.

You have the right to your opinion, and so do I.

Sep 7, 2008 23:24
  • JCNILE123
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Thank you BBQQ.

I have chosen to simply answering back, in a condescending manner.

That is all...
Sep 7, 2008 23:56
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BBQQ, they say there are two things that you should never discuss at a party, politics and religion.
Do people here get this exited about these subjects?
I think in regards to were this thread has lead though is a case of someone going on a fishing trip and catching a big one with no need of a net.
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