Who is your most outstanding admirer on This Travel Guide Forum
Sep 3, 2008 00:40
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Golly; Just who is your most outstanding admirer in these China Guide Threads.I am
positive who you would like to think you are popular with,but it would be nice to know
for sure. Just who likes your threads and you the most,and who really wants to be your friend,but you can not even guess who would like you at all?
Sep 3, 2008 00:45
  • JCNILE123
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I think Blue Yankee is my pal.
Sep 3, 2008 20:38
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Oh... somebody likes me in this forum. Just watch and see. *wink*
Sep 4, 2008 22:28
GUEST58151 Blueyankee is my favorite Village Idiot.
This forums #1 moron.
Sep 4, 2008 22:34
GUESTMEI LING I like antonio because he is so insightful and straightforward in his views on China and Chinese people; they may be 'hurt' Chinese sensitivities but antonio's opinions are refreshing and honest. It is unfortunate he participates so rarely in travelchinaforum. Wishing him "blue skies & sunshine" - thanks antonio wherever you may roam.
Sep 4, 2008 23:34
GUEST22562 to Guest 58151; There is less logic in even replying to you. You can help make this Forum for the Creaters,successful,or make it a out as a complete loss
This Forum as been here longer than you were ever aware of its existance.Perhaps even before you attained a Computer to show other worthy Internet
and Forum Users,just what a disrespectful and un Social Person you are. Perhaps you are a member,and signing on as a quest,because you k now that
you have nothing important to add which would give you any crediblitity,to make anyones life miseable except for your own.Again,if you dont like the threads which anyone writes,who others threads are more meaningless than mine,then you are a very unproductive person,and perhaps you are in a
place where they have to give you computer priviliages,as you are not competent enough to Police you own context so that you do not infringe on the
rights of speech of others in thsi forum. You are already unable to read the question as you havent the slightest idea of how to understand,its content.
This is a Thread,which you refer to as a Forum,and you seem not be acquainted with the difference between the two. Name Calling to someone you have
not idea who the person is must make you very pleased,and if you are happy,please continue,for I do not miind. It just gives my thread extra life. Thanks
Sep 4, 2008 23:44
GUEST22562 GuestMe; The added characters like The Guest 58151 are whats keeping people like Antonio from this Forum.If we can clean up this Forum,perhaps
more people as him will return. He is the character which is needed on these Forums,not like the others who offer nothing to this site and for its new
users,who come here to try it out. I could mention other Forum Sites which people can go to,and they are many,where they do not put up with people
like Guest #58151. The people on these Forums have just as pitiful questions,but the Peanut Gallery is not there to squash what you write,or try to
invade your privacy as they do here. The best thing for most people on this Forum whom love being disrespectful should acquaint themselves with
Rob Nannings Forum Site,and they will be right at home with their own type of people,and comments which would please them to all extremes. Thanks
again Guest Me see you soon
Sep 4, 2008 23:52
  • JCNILE123
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(((Blueyankee is my favorite Village Idiot.
This forums #1 moron.)))

He, he, Dodger was it you?

I promise confidentiality...
Sep 5, 2008 00:01
GUEST74124 LOL I wager a pint that thats Dodger
Sep 5, 2008 00:13
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Hand on my heart JC not guilty.
If you promise not to tell anyone I can reveal all….ha
Now who’s buying the beer?
Sep 5, 2008 00:40
GUESTGUEST74124 Pints all round on me if you can guess.
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