Who is your most outstanding admirer on This Travel Guide Forum
Sep 5, 2008 05:48
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This has got Gary’s fingerprints all over it.
Sep 5, 2008 20:52
  • JCNILE123
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You see Dodger, I really believe you, really.
However I must ask again, was that you?

He, he,

If it was not you Dodger, then who is it?
Guestgue... is buying the round!!!

Is that enough of an incentive to you?

Sep 5, 2008 21:13
  • JCNILE123
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(((This has got Gary’s fingerprints all over it.)))

Do not think so Dodger, Gary is from the USA, the author used an English word that is out of our vocabulary.

Certainly the author it is not form the USA.

Far as I concern Gary is out...

Creepy situation we are in and all because of Blueyankee! He, he,
Sep 5, 2008 22:04
GUESTGUEST57530 Haha or perhaps I used "pints" intentionally to throw you off
Sep 5, 2008 23:21
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JC, I’m a little disappointed that you would think that I would stoop as low as the VI and come on as a guest A truly dastardly thing to do.
But for future reference what gave me away?.
As to the use of the word “pint” yes I did hear the bell ring and started salivating just a little.
Now, who’s shouting?
Sep 7, 2008 00:23
  • JCNILE123
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Ok, Ok, sorry Dodger, I just like to know what's up with the BY.

HE, he,

Yeah, "PINT" that is.
Sep 7, 2008 04:52
I could do with a pint right now, trouble is I'm at work, doh
Sep 8, 2008 10:41
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To all ; and to all a good night: To all of you are blessed enough to share my threads and make them visible,and taken to the ultimate high standards of recognition
and availability,and in the supreme majestic world as one of your own.May the powers invested me to turn every single ugly thought of yours and the deeds you hap
hazzardly throw itowards me,forever give you knighthood among the weak,and the infidels that join in your fight against goodness and the brave souls whom repel
advances,at every gate,leaving only to burrow under the ground ,under the walls,and to have a load of dong drop upon you as you come out of your holes.Your stu
ggles through the crap which was shot there over the walls before your entry may forever linger upon your persons,until the fungus ,has obsorbed into you,so that
to be a conquer is no longer a reality,as you are finally relagated each to your own hole,and instead of cheese you must have the meat of your victims,and their
blood,as your only refreshment,for the you darst not speak,as the taste in the mouth is wicked,and as unjust as you have been in life.The days will come,when your
sight will be blinded,and the things you never seen,have been taken from you.May you rest in your holes,and catch yourselves in the traps you set for others,who
were obviously smarter,and now reap the spoils you thought you had claimed. Be Dammed !!!!
Sep 8, 2008 13:53
  • JCNILE123
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I think this are the last words, provably he is dead by now.


Blueyankee, he was such a nice man!

He made me laugh so much... I miss you man.

Not really!

Sep 8, 2008 21:44
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JC, as a fellow American of BY does he leave you feeling a little embarrassed or is this normal behavior from were he comes from?
Non native English speakers here might think that he represents the norm.

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