Its a Good Thing when you can have new friends on the Internet
Sep 3, 2008 00:58
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Its always good to seek and find new friendships on the Internet.Exclusively sharing
your life and trials of life similiar to another persons.Somewhere and somehow not
always having to be the one who is always right.Being wrong for a change,and letting
another person be right in their beliefs and with their opinions,which also must be a
a part of the new relationships,where someone else will give up Center Stage,and listen too!
Sep 7, 2008 22:06
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What are you talking about?
Sep 7, 2008 23:31
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Bartona,if you find it hard to know what I am talking ablut,ask one of the many Degenerates in these threads,because they all have the same IQ.
Sep 7, 2008 23:58
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Sep 8, 2008 04:17
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It seems I am not alone in wondering what the hell you are on about. Were you writing in English? You can't even copy a name correctly - no wonder the rest of your banter is confusing.
Sep 8, 2008 19:52
GUEST22560 Bartonwa: If its anything at all what does it mean to give any of you the right to do what you are doing. What does it matter if yu copy a name correctly anyway.You can only read short dialogue,and none of you cant answer the questions.Maybe you should return to your cell and teel the guard you have
been a bad boy on the internet again.Only people in prisons,or people who belong in them,or people whom have been in prision would talk like this on
the Internet,and show no concerns for their counter parts. Words on all opf you are wasted. The only thing you do for me ,is to give entertainment as
there is not much else to do.Too,bad you are all so dispictable,that you cant have real friends,or anything better to do,but you all have been this all
your lives,so you know nothing else,and do not realize,that you are doing things wrong,but you believe what you Are doing is right.Someone has to read '
this for you,as none of you can grasp the meaning.You are all so intense in finding something to find fault with,you are missing the very idea,of what you
are to read.Not one of you,can even read the question and answer it. You can not read this,so why do you even try
Sep 9, 2008 00:08
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Blueguest - this is an English forum - please write in English.
Sep 9, 2008 10:16
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Ok, By, in some weird way you are right. Well, even you have a right to say here what you have to say. I don´t much understand what it is but never mind. As from today I quit commenting your writings and threads. I think I have something better to do and maybe you can live without me too.
As thinking really hard, perhaps you really think you have something important or less important ( not all threads must contain important thoughts, just thoughts) to say, I just simply don´t live on same planet with you.
Anyway, I still think maybe you better try to find some place you would get yourself understood. As - I hope - you have noticed, here it seems to be impossible.
So, good bye, By, wish you he best, whatever you imagine is best for you.

Sep 9, 2008 11:03
  • JCNILE123
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Thank you!

I agree and follow it, I will not comment any more on Mr BY's writings.

"Using Carlos words"

So, good-bye, wish you the best, whatever you imagine is best for you.
Sep 9, 2008 16:52
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Hold on, we cant all quit replying to our friends threads. That is unfair, he doesnt get a say in it..

As we all seem to have the IQ of a squid and are not worthy of replying to his wonderfully thought out, expertly written and perfect English listings there seems to be only 1 option.
He leaves us.
Goes somewhere else were he will be appreciated for what he is, namely a dribbling moron.
Lets all have a vote, who thinks bluey should get lost???? come on hands up.
Sep 9, 2008 17:31
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Can't JCNile just have a word with God and ask him to send down a lightning bolt on BY's head? Even if it doesn't kill him, it might rewire his brain so we can understand him in the future. Come on JC (wow same initials as Jesus Christ!), get to work.
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