What are the most sensible topics to discuss on Forums?
Sep 4, 2008 00:53
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Perhaps we should go for the Gold.What are the most sensible Thread Starters created on this Forum? Usually there are those whom understand, and those who do not. There are those with knowledge of their threads purpose,and there are threads which basically are serving no purpose at all.There are many catergories to choose from as which no one really adheres to that one pacific line of thought.There are too many subjects having no relationship to the Forum at all,only responses that have little to nothing information which even pertain to the thread.There appears to really be little awareness of the focus,when writing Threads.,writing them,and answering them. Though do not be disappointed,as many of the other sites,seem just as confused by its members,and non-members. So Just what is the purpose of having forums,if no-one wishes to answer the questions,or to ask questions pertaining to the Subject.What good are jokes,when they do not address the Question,with proper replies.?
Sep 4, 2008 15:41
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What good are jokes?
Jokes = humour, humour = fun , fun = happy faces, happy faces make the world go round.
Sep 4, 2008 18:45
GUEST57530 We could all discuss how to get rid of blue yankee
Sep 4, 2008 20:15
GUEST22561 You really are funny. Why dont you join this forum,and become a memeber.You dont have to be so ridiculous with your no-non-sense retorts,which helps
neither you nor the viewers of these threads,which do not hurt you,or are intended for you,to read if you do not wish to. If you desire to keep making rema
rks and wish not to be a part of the Community Forum,then go to a Forum,where the rules will not allow you to do these unjust things.You dont like the
threads,then dont reply. Though if you wish,to some'one it may as well be me. It will make another good thread,and perhaps I can surpass the ,nine
pages,of the last thread. Please join,and make it a thread.(How to get rid of Blue Yankee)? this name is perhaps older than you are,and it makes more
sense than you do,from behind the scenes in the (Peanut Gallery).Join and be truthful,and give your name to these replies,so at least everyone can know
whom you are.Give yourself some crediable excuse for not liking the threads you find so unencouraging,that you (Can not translate the question into Eng
lish,and answer the question asked) enjoy and get more kicks from knocking others for things you can not grasp in your own life(Grasp means to unders
tand,) So please help to drive the readers to push my threads to new levels. Thanks Do your worst,they cant be any worse than you pretend to be.
Sep 4, 2008 20:17
GUEST22561 Dave C, Good ideas,so why dont you begin some funny threads,people need to laugh and learn that not all threads have to be serious.
Sep 4, 2008 22:08
GUEST58151 GUEST57530 "We could all discuss how to get rid of blue yankee"
What a great idea.
Sep 4, 2008 22:27
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Better still, get rid of all Yankees (using the ENGLISH meaning of Yankee)? A few exceptions of course!

Seriously, I would have said that we have quite a high level of serious content in TCG. Some of the not obviously informatiove is useful in explaining western culture. Chinese students, for example, get little real info about western culture: classroom walls are bare, some Chinese teachers still teach that the English are 'gentlemen' Americans are loud and wear loud clothes and all carry guns (not just Griz!), Paris and France are romantic. In TCG we discuss many things, we have genuine discussions on morals. If nothing else it shows that westerners are not a homogenised mob. And I also try to teach Australian English (eg: mob, bloke) - not just to show Chinese, but also to teach Americans, who seem unaware that there is 'English' beyond American !!!!! :)
Sep 4, 2008 23:59
GUESTGUEST57530 Does it matter if I am a member or not? I say what everybody else wont. Your like the guy who comes to a party that nobody knows or invited. And when people don't include you in to whats going on you start crying to the authorities (mods) when everyone is not accepting you. Its quite obvious your a freaking lunatic with dissociative identity disorder who is probably hiding in China since you can't be extradited.
Sep 5, 2008 00:04
  • JCNILE123
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Paul, where have you been?

Used to be easy to read your English, but now it is difficult as the Blue Yankee’s.

Paul, just teasing.
Sep 5, 2008 00:45
GUEST22562 Guest Gue, if you read what was written,you may observe I was not relating to you. I believe I commented to you of your worthiness. Why is your pride so
fragile,you have to retort the manner which you are suggesting.If you will notice,you will have read a long time ago,it does not matter if a lot of strangers
accept me or not as I could care less. All a person needs is one good friend,and in my life,that has been achieved. No one on this site or any other place
will be any help ever to me,so what is the problem. I am not here to make friends,and especially if you are unaware of all the ingredients it really involves
to have friends,on a Internet Forum. .
Sep 7, 2008 03:23
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Is blueyankee answering as guest 22561 and 22562 or do we have others who can write forever ?????
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