Why do we kill each other in the name of God?
Apr 16, 2009 19:23
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Fictitious Fantasy ....I guess Mark Twain (storyteller/ writer) is a prophet.
Apr 17, 2009 01:07
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There is a separation between god and (organised) religion. god is created by the human mind to overcome its fear of the unknown and provide hope and solace, which are probably needs inherent in every person. Organised religions are created to influence and control people to achieve the personal aims of certain groups or individuals by using the icon of god, and manipulating the emotions (chiefly fear) of people. It's all crap, but we live in a world full of suckers so this ain't ever gonna change.
Apr 17, 2009 19:14
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I have heard alot of wild stories but Paganboy yours is the best. I dont think anyone can do better. "2 Thumbs Up"
Jan 7, 2010 12:37
GUESTCAREAND... hmmm... what I think is that the best way to get rid of the suffering humans have to go through is by caring for one another. Without caring for each other we might as well be hateful to each other.
Love is a powerful tool that can perhaps save this world from rebellions, from wrongful religions, from genocide or murders, and from sins such as greed, and the worst of all...LONELINESS. Greed seems to have a powerful influence on everything around us like for an example: people trying to place their beliefs on others by paying media to side with them.
What I don't get is that so much remains like poverty, inequality, power, selfishness, among others. But....what I'm asking is; what if people did love each other? And couldn't we extend that to animals too including plants? Plants are living too.
I wish people would look at themselves through a mirror and ask, "what if I were in the same bad situation as them, how would I feel?".
Dec 23, 2010 00:21
GUEST60105 God is real, you can see by the many miracles that have happened to the truly faithful. the true christianity is a faith, not a religion, true christians will not kill, following the commandment "thou shalt not kill" violence comes from the devil, so if u kill, you have given into temptation and are on the black side of the table, there is no gray.
Dec 28, 2010 20:36
GUESTJ People kill each other because they are scared. Scared about land. Scared about oil. Scared about the afterlife. When all these things we share together. We are so foolish. We could have it all if we shared and weren't scared of the unknown and losing our stuff. Yes, killing is part of man in a lot of ways because death is draped above our minds and imaginations without knowing the truth....ever. Except the truth that we are going to face it, or i should say "let go" into it. Knowing that there is a sense of no control. With that, time becomes incredibly valuable. So if your going to try and take away my time here in my only existence i will kill you. The only truly righteous kill of another man is one that by absolutely no reason warranted you were attacked and your life or another innocent life was to be taken by a sin of another man. Only when man can control his emotions and remove the evil/sinful side can we live in peace with one another. Then there will be no need for physically defending yourself because of trust and love of your fellow man. But the world we live in is brutal for most while growing up and makes people that do the things that through a method of their own design hurts others. So in order to stop people from killing each other we as a people would have to come together and share our resources as a whole so that we all have the best way of life that we can make for each other. If nobody needed a military and only a small police force the amount that we could put towards new technology and helping each other would be enormous to say the least. We could make advances in every aspect of science and medicine exponentially faster and the limits of our imaginations would be our only boundaries.
Dec 28, 2010 20:37
GUESTJ And now lets come back to reality and see that with our current systems that could never happen. We try but we could never really do it the way it is. Everyone can feel the way our world is becoming. An ever increasing wave of crap that sweeps over to buy this thing we don't need or is too expensive, watch this guy kill people every Thursday at 9. Or watch this family tv show where kids run the family and are only disrespectful to their parents and thats funny, or watch a reality show of how our young adults our out clubbing,drinking, having random intecourse with multiple partners and with horrible grammar, wait thats not all now we can hear and see more horrible/evil/sinful things on high speed internet!We are evolving in this now. Our brains are developing in different ways to accomadate all this random junk knowledge and it's easy to believe that if we aren't adamate about changing this we will all be watching real murder, rape, and other things on tv before long because we are being programmed right now. Media execs and the like are changing human brain evolution. Now if you believe in the bible then you know that this is all by God's design and that we cannot change it and that he will return with Jesus to cleanse the earth and take his believers to heaven.If you don't believe that whose to say you won't make this crap your religion and drag your children and the rest of of us down into your putrid media induced de-evolution of the human mind. Watch the Zetgeist films. Although i am a Christian and believe in Jesus and in one of the movies it picks apart religion for a while but very intelligently. The rest of the movies reveals the truth of our society and the truth of what it truly would take to get past what we are now to what we could be if we we marched to the heartbeats of our grandaughters and grandsons.
May 11, 2011 22:15
GUESTDISCIPLE Are you referring to Jesus was hiding something about killing? What did Jesus said in his two commandments? He taught us "Love thy God and love thy neighbors". Such phrases indicates not a single hint about we are being encouraged to kill.

You are actually accusing the teaching of Jesus blindly inciting his followers to killing. Ridiculous. Killing is initiated as a result of insecurity in the competition or survival for the fittest.
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