How long does it take to forget first love?
Feb 27, 2012 13:08
GUESTSARA i can t forget my first love he was the best person i have ever met he was honest he was true but i didn t know how to maintain him this feeling will kill me i really miss him a lot and think about him all the time his eyes his voice everything in him i miss everything that belongs to him..... oh where are you my love.
Feb 27, 2012 22:01
  • CHERRY07
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Originally Posted by GUESTSARA

i can t forget my first love he was the best person i have ever met he was honest he was true but i didn t know how to maintain him this feeling will kill me i really miss him a lot and think about him all the time his eyes his voice everything in him i miss everything that belongs to him..... oh where are you my love.

Why did he leave you? If he has no plan to come back, just give it up.

It's like a journey. Do not be obsessed in an attraction. Keep going on and you will find other attractions.
Mar 2, 2012 03:02
GUEST51184 i am only 12 yrs. old and i have fall in love with my classmate who loves somebody else can please tell how can i forget him
Mar 11, 2012 20:06
GUEST24459 LLinos was the first and only girl i fell deeply in love with at school back in 1970,but I never let on to her which i regret now.Even though I married my present wife in 1980 I still feel the same way about LLinos, even though I haven't seen her since 1971 when we all left for university .They say you never forget the first person you fall in love with and that's true in my case.
Mar 13, 2012 04:09
GUEST45158 i think u r stupid to think like that actually girls always forget the boy friend easily but boy always remember her first love i hate girls love every thing is dhoka
Mar 13, 2012 09:19
GUESTLISA Hey my boyfriend did not break-up with me we are moving and i wil never c him again. I just don't wan't 2 go. i lov him so much.........and always will!!!!!!!!!!!but tanx! :(
Mar 14, 2012 03:21
  • CHERRY07
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  • Status: Offline

Originally Posted by GUESTLISA

Hey my boyfriend did not break-up with me we are moving and i wil never c him again. I just don't wan't 2 go. i lov him so much.........and always will!!!!!!!!!!!but tanx! :(

I see. The reality forces you to break up. Just can not understand why you won't go with him. You said that you loved him very much.
Mar 18, 2012 05:35
GUESTAMIN they say the first love often fails, rarely people can get married with their first love
Mar 18, 2012 07:29
GUESTANKIT R... nvr forget my love till i live
Mar 25, 2012 01:41
GUEST08130 It's very difficult to me to forget my first love and her,because she left many sweet memories in my life.
In fact she is my best friend any my love ,nw she is no more in my life.

After a long time one of my friend proposed me ,as many of friends my suggested me to accept her proposal by this way u may forget your first love and u may lead ur life happily with her.
But they dont know how much i loved my first lover .

By accepting the second one's proposal she will be happy ,and she doesn't feel that her love was failed ,in this point i accepted her proposal.

But nw i'am unable to keep her happy ,she was waiting for my love ,but i'am unable to give .....
One thing my first love she is still in my heart....

Please give me a suggestion hw to be happy with the second one........................
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