"For Chinese, US election is entertaining"
Sep 28, 2008 02:26
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NBC released a piece of ineresting news on Sep. 26th. The title is ""For Chinese, US election is entertaining". The news says that many Chinese pay attention to US election but they have different motivations.

""For intellectual communities, they want to learn something from the process and try to improve China’s approach of governance," said Jin. "But for the average people, especially young people, it’s just for fun." ------Extracted from NBC news

To be honest, I seldom pay my attention to US election. Just recently, I have got some knowlege of US election because of the financial crisis in US. As for me, I never think that US election is a funny thing. What about you guys? Do you think it is a funny thing?

Here is the link of that article:
Sep 28, 2008 07:48
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Living here in New Hampshire I have a different perspective on the Presidential race. I follow it like some would follow a sports team. The ups and downs of a candidate can be likened to a teams race for the World Cup. Some candidates drop out and some do very well, winning a primary or a debate.
Just as some read the sports pages of a newspaper to get insight on a teams performance, commentators write on the candidates strength and weaknesses. Some people take sides and have strong feelings for their team (candidate).
Some wear clothing fashioned after their favorite teams colors and some put their candidates bumper stickers on their car or yards signs on their lawn.
When the election takes place on Tuesday, November 4th, in voting we will have a chance to participate!
Sep 28, 2008 08:33
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Oh. my. word.

Elections here is very intense. No, even that is an understatement. Then again, Americans are very passionate about politics and sports.
Sep 28, 2008 11:18
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Elections in a country where a president can be elected by a mistake done with tickets is always entertaining.

Seriously, peace in world is at situation where at least I follow what candidates really say, what they really stand for.

Sep 29, 2008 03:31
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In fact, this is the most closely watched US elections. Many people I know from many different countries is watching this. Some also have their own preference and are also very passionate. It is because in a globalized world, everything that happens in America affects the world. Some are even saying 'why can't they vote in the US elections since they get affected too!' LOL!
Sep 29, 2008 13:38
  • GRIZ326
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I only vote because I consider it one of the responsibilities of a US citizen. In my political lifetime neither party has fielded a candidate worthy of my attention; what they say is utterly meaningless with regard to what they will do (Nixon was exception). Neither of the current candidates are remotely qualified to hold the office: one based on experience; the other based on temperament. ...and for VP we have a worthless, egomaniacal, lifetime politician who suffers from the "little emperor syndrome" and a beauty queen. OYE!

When George Bush ran the first time, I wrote a newspaper editorial in which I described him as a liberal in conservative clothing; the last 8 years proved the truth of that opinion. The current candidates make George Bush look like a conservative; he and the congress have spent us into oblivion (and I'm not talking about the war). I think no one told him that a VETO pen comes with the office of president. The increasingly liberal philosophies used to govern the USA are directly responsible for the "economic crisis" that we face now. The crisis is a sham and the bail out is blackmail that grew out of liberalism.

The American electorate, the political parties and the election process that have evolved during my lifetime only prove that Americans neither appreciate their right to vote; nor do they deserve it.
Sep 29, 2008 20:37
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I should mention that on November 4th we will be voting for more than the President. In my election district I will be voting for a U.S. Senator, a U.S. congressman, several State, county and city offices too. They are all campaigning.
I will go to a local elementary school designated as the polling station for my area, get a heavy paper sheet with the candidates names and a circle next to each. In a curtained booth I will color in the circle next to my selection. I will then take the paper and under the watchful eye of a poll volunteer, place the sheet into an optical scanner that will read and record my vote. The paper ballot is saved in the machine in case of a recount. Only at closing time will the votes be tallied and the information forwarded to State offices. The polls are open from 6 A.M. until 8 P.M.
Sep 30, 2008 15:25
  • GRIZ326
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That's true YINDUFFY. I hope the voters have the good sense to throw all of them out of office top-to-bottom...and I don't even need to know where you live to make that comment.

Lily Tomlin's biting wit is appropriate this election year in the USA:

"Ninety-eight percent of the people in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them."

Or even more aptly:

"The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and traitors every ten years". ~~ Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence
Sep 30, 2008 17:19
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<<The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and traitors every ten years>>

Griz, I don't quite understand this word. Does that mean USA is founded on the theory of black force and white force and those two forces are always switching their colors.

Since the wall street representative, Mr. Paulson (a republican?) pushed the financial system to the edge of collapse (who knows if there is a scandle or not), is it time for the traitors/patriots to take office in white house?
Oct 1, 2008 10:09
  • SETH
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Hi Bittersweet - I don't think Mr. Paulson deserves blame or not, but the problems with credit, housing mortgages, and bad loans started years back, during the Clinton administration (or so I have read). When legislation was passed that encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to get as many people into houses as possible (backed strongly by Barney Franks and other prominent Democrats), the lending institutions started giving out 'no-document' or 'liar' loans to people who would not qualify for mortages under normal circumstances. They even counted welfare checks as income!

The housing market was booming, so with housing values rising, people started borrowing against equity in their houses, sometimes OVER the market value of the house! This is disasterous economics just waiting for the bubble to pop. And pop it did.

Now, many many MANY homeowners are what they call 'upside down'. That is, they owe more on their house than the house is worth, PLUS the adjustable rate mortgages they took have climbing interest rates that make house payments impossible! So people are defaulting on their houses by the millions, and all the banks own what is called 'toxic paper', or useless loans that will never get paid.

The whole thing took YEARS to grow to the current mess, and people are wishing for a quick fix. But a quick fix won't happen because of the time it will take to unravel the mess. Plus all these vacant houses are out there, decaying and losing value by the minute. Also, where do people think the $700 billion dollars will come from? The taxpayers, of course, and mainly the middle class taxpayer. I am thinking it will get uglier before it gets better. :-((

So it is easy for the Democrats to blame the Republicans, but I think people need to look deeper into the problem and NOT re-elect the greedy irresponsible jerks who really caused the mess.
Oct 1, 2008 10:12
  • GRIZ326
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Using good force versus bad force would be more politicially correct in the USA; the words black & white are politically charged.

Thomas Jefferson believed that government always becomes corrupt over time and that revolution is needed maintain citizen control of government. That's certainly proven to be true in the USA.

As for the roots of the financial crisis, Mr. Paulson had little to do with the current situation. The problem started when the government permitted and encouraged approving home mortgages for people without jobs or money. As a result, the greedy and opportunistic vermin exploited a well-intentioned plan and now we see the result.

Traditionally, mortgages in the USA required a minimum down payment of 20% of the sale price of the home, a stable job and a good credit history. Allowing people to buy homes without a down payment, a stable job or even a good credit history drove home prices far above real value. When the buyers began defaulting on their loans, the banks found that the asset value of the homes was hugely inflated.

I doubt that greed endorsed by government regulation qualifies as a scandal. The scandal that may emerge is why both Republican and Democratic leaders did not do something about it when the trouble was foreseeable 4 or 5 years ago. ...and that the banking industry made HUGE campaign contributions to many politicians. One of the top-5 money grabbers is the wonderous Obama; his chief economic advisor is a key figure in the mismanagement of this financial mess and may even be criminally involved in the trouble.
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