"For Chinese, US election is entertaining"
Oct 1, 2008 10:20
  • SETH
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But getting back to Jimmy B's thread - the election may appear humorous to the rest of the world, but from my viewpoint, it is very serious. Many people are fed up with the dirty politics and inept government and want intelligent and decent people in power, and above all, want these people to be held accoutable.
Oct 1, 2008 18:22
GUESTMAMB Many people are fed up with the dirty politics and inept government and want intelligent and decent people in power, and above all, want these people to be held accoutable.

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! and of course that only can be the brother from africa, any other it's all of the above.
Oct 2, 2008 09:36
  • GRIZ326
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But Seth, that is why the election is so funny; only Americans are foolish enough to believe that an election will change things beyond who eats from the government trough.
Oct 2, 2008 13:32
  • SETH
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Hi Griz - you are probably right, but I keep hoping something good will come out of it.
Oct 2, 2008 19:09
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<<Paulson was nominated by U.S. President George W. Bush to succeed John Snow as the Treasury Secretary on May 30, 2006.>>

<<In Spring 2007, Secretary Paulson told an audience at the Shanghai Futures Exchange that "An open, competitive, and liberalized financial market can effectively allocate scarce resources in a manner that promotes stability and prosperity far better than governmental intervention." >>
<<Paulson has quickly distinguished himself from his two predecessors in the Bush administration by formally identifying the wide gap between the richest and poorest Americans as an issue on his list of the country's four major long-term economic issues to be addressed, highlighting the issue in one of his first public appearances as Secretary of Treasury.>>
<<Paulson has conceded that chances were slim for agreeing on a method to reform Social Security financing, but said he would keep trying to find bipartisan support for it. >>
<<He also helped to create the Hope Now Alliance to help struggling homeowners during the subprime mortgage financial crisis>>

The above from Wiki

The heat of realestate can be traced back 5-6 years ago when most economic indicators seem good including labor market. The fiscal deficit became intense, USD depreciated for the sake of balancing fiscal account, the results are crude production cuts that triggers costs of production sored and labor cuts. Hence The unemployed were not able to feed the houses and the potential unemployed gave up the dreams of home ownership. As a result, land developers failed to pay the loan to bank and bank failed to pay the loan from depositors or their counterparts.

Oct 2, 2008 19:10
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I definitely support Mr. Paulson views on current US social status and his policies addressed to credit market. But something must be wrong from behind: Economic advisors should have predicted the short to midieum term economic trend and done dynamic adjustments and evaluation on the policies. to avoid fierce turmoil or economic cycle. But they failed to do that not because of their inability.
I believe most advisors are from big corp. or top-bankers in Wall Street, which is not a problem. Something that must be wrong is loosing checks – supervision that is USA is proud of and always promotes to other non-democratic nations. In this financial crisis case, law makers could do execution and supervision as well, which is conflit of interests and most likely results corruption. It’s is said one good guy can do bad things if he is offerred unlimited powers and two bad guys can do good things if they are checked each other. The theory, I think, is one of the reason why USA can keep social stability, prosperity and fairness and most importanly LIBERTY.

Oct 3, 2008 08:02
  • JCNILE123
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"For Chinese, US election is entertaining"

Perhaps it is an opportunity to see another political system from the out side.

The left-wingers, they are funny to see.
Oct 5, 2008 07:33
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In regards to entertaining, the mistakes and misspeaks of the candidates provides materials for commentators. Like recently when Barack Obama told a crowd that in October he would be celebrating his 15th wedding Anniversary, only to be reminded that it would be his 16th! ( everyone married knows how his wife felt!) Likewise when Joe Biden recently said that in 1929 President Roosevelt went on television to explain the Stock Market Crash it was pointed out that Roosevelt became president in 1933 and there was no television in 1929! Sarah Palin has been the subject of comments because she was a hunter in Alaska. McCain has himself made jokes like when he said he was "older than dirt and had more scars than Frankenstein" or when he jokingly said "My social security number is 8.".
Talk radio, TV commentators and reporters know that this campaign and politicians in general provide them with material.
Oct 9, 2008 22:46
  • LEOPOLD219
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I only care the results, hehe. It seems that Obama has a great chance to be the president of U.S. Do you think McCain have the chance to defeat Obama?
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