Why Dave C,or others. Why do more foreigners move to China/
Oct 18, 2008 08:05
  • JCNILE123
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How can BY be so hateful?

Can you tell to this community (BY) or any other name you are going by, what is your agenda?
Therefore, everybody knows and accept it or reject it.
Instead of attempting to forcefully, insert yourself on the middle.

The worse of it is that lately, you are going too belligerent and incoherent on your writings.

Oct 18, 2008 08:34
  • JCNILE123
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Dodger and all of you affected by the incoherent attitude of this person:

I think it is time all of us let the moderators know that this man is by far pass the point of tolerance.
Here is a little secret... the moderators are in need of the people that comes here every day to keep this community going.

They (the moderators) want this man in the middle because he creates controversy; controversy creates traffic; traffic creates business.

You asked the moderators to curtail the ramblings of BY and the others alias, they ignored you.

Now is your turn, STOP answering all the threads period... and you will see the community coming to a crawling stop, the fact is that the community needs all of you more than you need the community, of course they will say that the other way around is the fact, don’t believe them, they need you the people to function.

To the moderators, if I infuriate you with this reply you can go ahead and block my entry in to the forum.
Oct 18, 2008 08:59
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JC, thanks for your last post. Most timely.
I must admit that I do have some fun in replying to BY’s posts in a very perverse way.
My excuse: I’ve been struck down in my prime and been in bed for the last couple of days (nurse says I will live however) and had nothing better to do.
But I will try and take your advice and not bite on the ramblings of a lobotomized moron.
Tomorrow is Sunday so probably an appropriate time to say a pray for this troubled soul.
Cheers, Dodger.
Oct 18, 2008 13:17
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Take it easy, Dodger.
Somehow it has been very amusing to others too. Well, to me (shame on me.)

Perhaps JC is right anyway, is it about time to put a stop? For me too, because I broke my promise.

Still must say, for the (hopefully) last words about this: merda taurorum animas conturbit.

Oct 18, 2008 18:14
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TCG has good moderators and journalists. Sometime It's hard to identify which is which. And I am beginning to suspect their nationality although they have Chinese logos. It's a decent site and I am sure that using others' pic or wedding pic are authorized.
Oct 18, 2008 22:43
  • JCNILE123
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Hope you are ok by now.
As I have said before, if he only says what he wants, there is no pledge that he can get any, but at less he can come in to society as a remember without the outburst of heat induced rambling.
You know? Arizona it is one of the hottest spots on earth...

(((Tomorrow is Sunday so probably an appropriate time to say a pray for this troubled soul. )))
Good idea, he can use some help to control his temper.

Carlos it is ok, this is not about us, and instead it is about him.
Oct 18, 2008 22:49
  • JCNILE123
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(((And I am beginning to suspect their nationality although they have Chinese logos)))

He, he, so, do you think Siva is from?
Oct 19, 2008 00:53
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Carlos,”merda taurorum animas conturbit”LOL.
We could start a new thread on this.
JC, came back the other day from my usual hour of stair running feeling a bit flat. Turns out I was coming down with a bad head cold. I should have paid attention to my resting HR more.
But to your point; what has always impressed me about Americans is their kindness to strangers. One trip years ago I left my contact lenses on the plane. When I finally arrived in Atlanta I walked into an eye wear store and explained my situation to the owner. He fitted me out with a new set after testing my eyes and refused any payment. “Sir” he said, “that’s how we treat strangers around here”
That’s probably why I find the behavior of this person so difficult to understand. But it takes all types as they say.
The question I would have liked to ask on that other thread but wont in fear of retribution is just what a “false hood” is. Is it something you put on a car or something you wear?
Sorry, couldn’t help my self.
Cheers All, Dodger.
Oct 19, 2008 08:14
BY is a wind up merchant, I hope you are getting better Dodger, take it easy mate, I have had the sniffles for over a month now, I tried to drown it on my recent visit back to Scrumpyland ooh arh.
Oct 19, 2008 16:55
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Siva is JC? I think this site has British Yankees, Chinese, Indians (I know lots of Indian merchants now in east coast, espencially in shanghai who run gold finenry shops and do imports to India from our east coast). But who care the user ids.
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