Who will be the next President of The United States?
Oct 15, 2008 22:45
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A leader doesn't have to have IQ, An intellegent guy/gal usually doesn't have leader quality. I am not American. If I had right to vote, I would vote for the party whose holds the policy of tax cuts, low interest.

I just vote for progressive conservative party in my country because its leader, I think, is not a pure politician but an economist who has detailed strategies presented to address an upcoming deficit. It's a though task for him. If he can not handle it properly under current awful siturations, he will be gone soon as minorty government.
Oct 15, 2008 23:13
GUEST18238 Elections as you know happen in all countries,in one form or another. Elections do make a difference as its one of the few ways which a Citizens Voice
can be heard.Elections are happening no matter where you live,whether you like them or not.If you do not want your voice to be heard,then just dont vote
and if you are elgible to vote and do not vote,then dont complain.If you have no vote at all,as living in another country,then you should have only your opi
nion,which means alot,but not to an American,or other countryman from another country. If you have nothing viable to say,then silence should be Golden
if you do not know how to bridge the gap,to Democratic Societies,who are not perfectly run. If you are so good,and can do a better job,then why are you
not in office to help rather than to critize the ones who at least put their time and money into what they believe in.Being Right,Being Wrong is their
Nov 9, 2008 04:40
The person with the "Who Cares" to the comments which were written,was right on! Fortunately anyone with any sense would not compare their country to the
"United States",as there will never be any comparisons to equal.Those whom have never lived in a truly free Democratic Society,will never be prolific in experiencing
the true meaning of Freedom
Nov 9, 2008 14:09
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I have the sense because I never imagine that my little son would become the president of PRC but I hold the hope that he could be an advisor or a secretary of White House Cabenit. If he was born in US, he would have a dream to be the president...
Nov 9, 2008 20:38
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"The black muslim whose father is from Sudan is likely to win."

Who is that? LOL!
Nov 9, 2008 20:39
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I am from Battleground Ohio, the most contested state in each election. I am glad it's over or else the people at my work would start killing each other. Haha...
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