The difference between Chinese and South Korean women is:
Mar 22, 2016 08:46
GUEST02441 What I have learned from all of these post, is that everyone has an opinion, Koreans have big faces, love money, and plastic surgery. I want to go to Korea to experiment these things, and asks a lot of questions, because I definitely know that Korea is not like Kdramas and Kpop, like many of people sadly base their view on Korea from. Oh and here where I live we have a chinese family who came from china, and they literally put us in a King and Queens chair, they are super nice. But like every country or person in the world, there are fakes, arrogants, nice, honest, kind people.
Mar 28, 2016 08:26
GUEST39218 Great education about Asian girls. Thank you all.
Jun 1, 2016 18:12
GUEST51244 ouch . that is horrible. you must have had bad experience with one of those girls.
Jul 13, 2016 08:22
GUEST18197 Im korean girl.
And i want to say that u r thinking is wrong exactly.
If when u go plastic surguery haspital in korea,
U can see that many chinese than korean.
Jul 19, 2016 01:32
GUEST31195 I am "Han" Chinese by blood. By birth I'm from Panama in Central America. My first time traveling to mainland China for the purpose to study mandarin I made a lot of friends in uni, Koreans, Japanese, Indonesians, etc, etc.. from almost everywhere in the whole globe, even I made some Chinese friends. While living in China I was asked so many times if I was Korean. One time I replied- Do I look like I have a surgery face? I learnt a lot from my Korean friends. Great food, beautiful "fake" looking girls-Never bother me; I could tell that the doctor did a great job. And I learnt the difference between a "natural" and a "fake" one, tho it still impresses me that korean surgeons are so damn good. My eyes are big, my jawline isn't "square", my nose isn't "flat", my skin got a lot lighter in the process of leaving tropical homeland 24/7 never ending summer for 3 years straight. I am 1.55 (average in some countries, short in some others) what I'm trying to say is .. *** your poor mentality on what beautiful should be. Go, travel beyond magazines, beauty publicities, kpop mtv, your imaginary beauty standards, your delusional state of mind from what you heard from your friend Winnie the Pooh. Peace out.
Aug 1, 2016 02:05
GUEST34162 It looks like you don't know about Japanese girls. You talked more about Udon than the Japanese girls characteristics! Maybe they aren't just into you, but just for sex. So you weren't able to write about them.

On the contrary, you wrote a lot more about Chiense and Korean girls characteristics. This display you had some relationships with them!
Aug 5, 2016 13:51
GUEST15756 There are good Chinese girls and there are good Korean girls. On the other hand, there are Chinese sluts and there are Korean sluts. Every race has their share of marriage-worthy ladies and filthy whores. The difference between Chinese girls and Korean girls is that there is a wider variety of personalities among Chinese women than Korean women. Throughout life, especially in America, you will meet Chinese women of all kinds of backgrounds and personalities. However, with Korean women, they are almost ALL the same. 95% of all Korean women have the exact same personality: materialistic, demanding, and argumentative. Now, with Chinese women, only about 50% of them have the same personality: materialistic, spoiled, and uncreative. But at least with Chinese women, you have a 50% chance of finding one that is not a stereotype.
Sep 1, 2016 05:53
GUEST98315 lol the opposite is right I guess. cuz I have both chinese girl friends and korean girl friends, and korean girls are better. they are neat and know how to put makeup on.
Sep 5, 2016 03:06
GUEST55138 No woman anywhere in the world messes with broke ass men. I lived in japan and everyone was super polite and smart. They made me feel terrible just by being such awesome people and me being such a privledged screw up. I couldnt live like that but i respect them for it. My korean friends were always really awesome and made me feel at home. Chinese families are really tight nit and the togetherness is something i wish i had.

Everyone likes different looks but i like pale skin and sweat like a white pig in warm climates so I would prolly rather live in northern china if it wasnt for the pollution. I think you should examine the culture and people rather than the women, but...what is the saying? "Everything a man does is to get laid" and procreate lol! its the same with women.

P.S. Just a note.. when an asian person introduces you to family that means your acceptable.
Sep 8, 2016 20:03
GUEST51227 Have you ever been in South Korea? The girls who you met were realy bottom of here. Low level girls.
Me and my friends are make at least $50k /year and my husband same with me. Don"t gudge other people so easily and becaful inform exact fact.
Good luck to you to meet high quality Korean freinds next time.
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