Are we created or are we products of the Big Bang?
Nov 3, 2008 20:15
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But wait... if our ancestor is an ameoba, what happened to the superior race? NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Nov 3, 2008 20:46
GUESTLADYEOWYN The Big Bang Theory - God said "Bang!" and so it happened. I have brain like amoeba, so simple.. I did quite well in science, but I still do not understand and know everything. Since my knowledge is so limited, can I comprehend God and His ways? I believe there is God, and since He is God, who can question what he does?

I read a story about the barber and the beggar. Why the beggar still has a long and unmanaged hair was because he never look for the barber to cut his hair. All the problems happen because men never seek God and ask Him to help. I believe in what the Bible says, well, i guess someone will shoot me with many words later.. ;o), but that doesn't change anything though
Nov 3, 2008 21:02
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If I believe in God, I will not have any qualms questioning him/her/it/whatever. Because a God knows everything, and therefore understands everything. He/she/it/whatever will not find it offending. He/she/it/whatever also knows why things happen as they are and why humans act as they are, and completely understands and accepts without any conditions or reservations. If God created the universe and humans, surely he/she/it/whatever understands and accepts their shortcomings and weaknesses. If he/she/it/whatever is a God, surely he/she/it/whatever would have known that we are bound to "screw up". Or maybe he/she/it/whatever doesn't really see it as screwing up... ^_^"
Nov 4, 2008 10:59
  • JCNILE123
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(((However, that is about all mankind deserves, to get wiped out))).


Dodger, keep the sharpener out of your teeth, he, he…

(((if the Big Bang was created by 'something' or 'someone', so.... it can mean that both creation and evolution are true. It is possible that both)))
Why not?
Nov 4, 2008 21:58
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The problem with this debate is that it is all based on theory, including the big guy upstairs.
JC didn’t mean to offend, just my warped sense of humour.
Nov 10, 2008 03:44
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If we evolves from monkeys, where did monkeys come from? Don't tell me that they were born from stones.
Nov 10, 2008 19:57
  • KEVIN0518
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Kungfupanda, maybe all of us evolve from pandas, hehe. Just kidding!
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