What's your favorite animated movie(s)?
Dec 15, 2008 00:49
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SHESGOTTOBE, did you read Dodger's thread---Why is it that?

He asks a question about Tarzan: Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? Can you answer this question?
Dec 15, 2008 20:15
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Come to think of it, he doesn't even have chest hair. Maybe it is in his genes. :P
Dec 16, 2008 06:16
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my favorite animated movie (heidi )

Dec 16, 2008 21:08
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PRIMROSE, what is it about? Can you tell us more? Is it made by American?
Apr 17, 2009 22:24
GUEST74411 ahahahah oldie!!
nah just joking i wacthed qins moon its gud but i thought the animation was a bit slack ......
they cut back on the budget
but anyhow it was gud.....
Jun 11, 2009 00:12
GUEST86235 where can u watch Qin's Moon? I can only find the first 2 episodes on youtube. Is there anywhere u can watch them online for free?

Sep 23, 2010 02:35
GUESTKING world best carton is resedent evel
Apr 29, 2011 03:20
GUEST96990 actually she hasn't died yet duan morong, there is a third one out and there r trying to rescue her
Jul 7, 2011 02:05
GUEST24374 You are wrong. At the end of the third season, Ge Nie is not dead. And it wasn't Tianming who stabbed Ge Nie in the back, it was Black Unicorn, the notorious assassin who can turn into anyone he pleases. So Tianming was never under any spells.

Also, Duanmu Rong is not dead, just fatally injured, like Ge Nie. But you are right about her liking Ge Nie. Hopefully in season 4 their relationship will be developed more.
Jul 7, 2011 02:07
GUEST24374 Watch the first season at And you can watch the second and third season on
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