Who likes Obama,as President. Americans answer only.
Jun 22, 2009 12:14
GUEST48176 He is articulate.( Something of a new idea for recent American Presidents.) Well educated, in touch with the people, (Try that out on George W. Bush) sees through the gun toting religious right who have been largely responsible for the continued repression of anyone not whiter than white; he has a good way with people, able to communicate at all levels, and mean what he says. He inherited a total disaster from George W... both financially and in terms of foreign affairs and in reality he is like a breath of fresh air. But the gun toters will stop at nothing to get rid of him..he is the symbol of their failure to contain the ever increasing numbers of non white Americans. Like Martin Luther KIng he might well have to be their martyr too. Such a stupid world we live in. China is no better. It too will implode with the passage of time. You just cannot keep the lid on a pressure cooker if there is no relief valve. I see none in China. Just more tightening of the lid.
Jul 13, 2009 00:01
  • ZKD5731727
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This is not the place to discuss about Obama, you are not raising an argument you are trying to raise an angreement, if you want to know wether everyone liked obama or not, study both the liberal and the conservetive, the more knowledge you acquire, the harder it will be for you to make an legimitmate decision based on your assumption and substantiation. So, this is not the place to ask, and many of the answers are really not even close to naive, do some research and come back tell us your view, then we can raise an argument. But right now is is absurd.
Jul 14, 2009 23:16
  • GRIZ326
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He's been in office a while now. I generally like what he says, but he doesn't seem to understand that promises have price tags. He's spent most of his life in ivory towers; I expect soon he'll get a health dose of reality at the expense of the productive, taxpaying, law-abiding American citizens.

We'll see how it plays out in another 6 months or so.
Sep 14, 2009 08:00
GUESTHOLLY L... im holly and im from white river junction vt. and i think obama is bad 4 this country all hes doing is embarrassing us by going around telling every we're sorry and he spent EVERY PRESIDENT FROM G-WASHINGTON TO GEORGE BUSH ALL THEIR BUDGETS IN THE FIRST 90 DAYS HES BEEN PRESIDENT. so no i think we should get a new president.
Sep 14, 2009 08:08
GUESTHOLLY L... i dont think hes any good 4 this country cuz he already spent every presidents money and has embarrassed this country by going to every country apoligizing for their actions practically.
Oct 23, 2009 01:17
GUEST10184 Just curious... how's that O'bama thing working out for you now!!!

If you were'nt so blind you might have been able to see through his fakeness. Why on earth would the color of his skin have anything to do with the way he governs?
.....I don't like Obama, that doesn't make ME a racists, it just makes me informed.
Open your eyes!!!! If an enemy wanted to destroy this country, they would do exactly what Barak Obama is doing....EXACTLY!!
Oct 23, 2009 02:08
GUEST10184 GUEST48176,
Barak Obama is not the typical American President. And that's not a compliment.
This may surprise you, but Government can't give you freedom, unless of coarse, it takes it away first.
You probably still think that it's only Republicans against Obama, and probably think it's Democrat vs Repubican. Please wake up! They are enslaving us, and we're helping them by letting them divide us. Ask yourself, who benefits from all of what's going on? The answer: Government, look how large it has grown over the last 16 years alone. They control almost every part of your life. And now some people think it's a great idea to let them control our healthcare.
One last point. Why do you care if a law abiding citizen owns a gun? Do you see how the government picks an issue that you're pastionate about and turns you against your neighbor? Think about other issues too, abortion, gay marriage, black vs white, environment issues, religion... If we're arguing among each other, we won't stand together. And that's exactly what they're plan is.
Our freedom is given to us from GOD. And thank GOD our founding fathers knew that. And because they knew it, they gave their lives fighting for our freedom. Will you?
Mar 29, 2011 09:33
GUEST57148 I think this is so funny ... American's don't want to answer the question and so far the answers I've heard is the color of the skin and the fact that he is a democrat. How silly an answer and this is why our nation is in the sad shape it is in.
Aug 19, 2011 18:54
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Can i ask you a question
Aug 19, 2011 22:42
GUEST19140 Well, more than two and a half years into his presidency, and the USA is stuck in reverse. Looks like a one term president.
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