"I have no girlfriend but I can teach you how to talk to girls"---A 9 years old boy said
Dec 4, 2008 00:39
  • CHERRY07
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Do you have problem in talking with girls? Do you think it is hard to please ladies? If you have this problem, don't hesitate to buy a book "How to talk to girls" written by a 9 years old boy. He can teach you how to talk to girls and how to please them. His book is popular nationwide now.

Since he is only 9 years old, he has no girlfriend. So where did het learn the knowledge? He gets his wisdom by peeking from his peers. In his view, the best way to approach a girl is just simply say "Hi". "If I say hi and you say hi back, we're probably off to a good start," he said. Do you agree?

His tip: Don't show off, go easy on the compliments to avoid looking desperate - and be wary of "pretty girls."

Do you want to buy his book?

Dec 4, 2008 12:45
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No I wouldnt, dont want to encourage him.
Maybe we need to ask more serious questions, like why is a 9 year old sat in a bar drinking with the women??
Dec 4, 2008 19:48
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Dave, how do you know he must drink alcohol? You see, there was a straw in his cup. It is possible that he was drinking some kind juice. Seriously, I am thinking if his tip works. My friend told me that he once met a beautiful girl and he wanted to talk to her. So he said "Hi" to that girl. Do you know what the girl said? She said:" Do you have mental problem? I don't know you. Why did you talk to me?"
Dec 4, 2008 19:50
GUEST2545 If I were that girl, I would say " I have already had a boyfriend." If he is not stupid, he will get away from me.
Dec 4, 2008 21:14
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"In his view, the best way to approach a girl is just simply say "Hi". "If I say hi and you say hi back, we're probably off to a good start," he said. Do you agree?"

Yes, I agree. After all, you two have to start with "Hi or Hello". I haven't read the book but I am actually considering buying it for entertainment purposes. You never know. I might get entertained! LOL!

Or maybe, I would discover that a 9-year old boy would know how to approach girls better than grown up men. Now that would be a bummer. :P

Dec 4, 2008 21:17
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My friend told me that he once met a beautiful girl and he wanted to talk to her. So he said "Hi" to that girl. Do you know what the girl said? She said:" Do you have mental problem? I don't know you. Why did you talk to me?"

JimmyB, tell your friend not to get discouraged. Of course, there are not so nice and snobbish girls but sooner or later, he would find approachable girls. It's better not to waste energy on snobs. Sometimes, even just smiling is already an ice breaker.
Dec 6, 2008 01:58
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Jimmy, what did your friend do then? Walk away? Or say something clever to that? ( I donĀ“t know what but something...) You see, the girl asked a question, rhetoric or not, it was a question. A clever guy (not me) perhaps would take a win there then.

Dec 8, 2008 19:14
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I am a girl and I know why the girl "overreacted". If a guy I don't know says "hi" to me, I would be on alert. I am thinking why he says "hi" to me and what he is going to do. You know that there are too many bad guys in the world. Another scenario, Jimmyb: that girl just breaks up with her boyfriend or she is not in good mood. So your friend chooses a wrong time to approach her.
Dec 8, 2008 19:21
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Carlos, you were right. My friend just walked away silently. Well, if you were him, what would you say to her? How could you take a win there?

Katrina, thanks for telling me this. I will transfer it to my friend. I guess that the girl just broke up with her boyfriend. So she hated every man. My friend is a man so she showed her anger to my friend.
Dec 8, 2008 21:41
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Boy(smiling): Hi!

Girl(smug): Do you have a mental problem? I don't know you. Why did you talk to me?

Boy(shocked at first but recovered): Then let's get to know each other, then we can talk.

Girl(pissed off and walked away)


Dec 8, 2008 21:44
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Chapter one: The facts of life

Sometimes, you get a girl to like you, then she ditches you.
Life is hard, move on!

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