"I have no girlfriend but I can teach you how to talk to girls"---A 9 years old boy said
Dec 8, 2008 21:47
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"Or sometimes it just doesn’t work out.
I had a crush on a girl in preschool.
Then my family had to move, so I had to let her wash out of my mind."

"You also have to be aware that girls win most of the arguments and have most of the power. If you know that now, things might be easier.

Finally, if you try for too many girls, you will have jealousy
issues and might end up with nobody.
It is really best to go for just one."


Me: It's official. This boy knows girls. He gets it. ;-)

Dec 8, 2008 21:48
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If you do get a girl to like you, that is victory. Winning victory is a dream for most boys, but it is very rare.

Dec 8, 2008 21:50
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Chapter two: Crushes

Many boys get crushes on girls.
But it can be very hard to get a girl to like you. Sometimes it takes years!
Whatever happens, just don’t act desperate. Girls don't like desperate boys.

So what do you do if you have a crush on a girl? You need to get her to like you.

You can also show off a skill, like playing soccer or anything else that you are good at.

Tip: To get a girl to like you, talk to her and get to know her.

If you are in elementary school, try to get a girl to like you, not to love you. Wait until middle school to try to get her to love you. Otherwise, you have to hold on to her for a long time and that would be very hard.

Tip: Most boys in elementary school can hold on to a girl for only 30 days.

Dec 8, 2008 22:00
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Many boys who have crushes don’t know how to act around a girl. Some boys tease girls they like and are mean to them. Some boys say silly things to girls and act goofy. Some boys think they are acting cool by showing off. This is not a good approach.

The right thing to do when you have a crush is:

Never show off too much

Don't be silly and goofy

Control your hyperness (cut down on sugar if you need to)

Make sure you have good friends who won't try to take the girl you like.

Finally, you have to be able to get over a crush if it doesn't work out. A crush is like a love disease. It can drive you mad.

Try not to let it get you down.

Dec 9, 2008 00:10
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I didnt say he was drinking alcohol, just that he shouldnt be drinking in a bar at all. Bars are for over 18s
Dec 9, 2008 20:19
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Latest news: FOX bought the rights for How to Talk to Girls. They are planning to make a movie. ^_^
Dec 9, 2008 20:58
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Hey She,

It seems that you are using the kid's book to give cupid lessons. LOL! Do you think the book is a good teaching material (textbook)? Do we have an internship after your lecture, teacher? That would be nice if we have the opportunity to apply what we have learnt in your class into the real life. ^_^
Dec 14, 2008 19:17
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It is a fun reading, Leonardo. Now, don't tell me that a 9 year old would know more about this that you. ;-)
Dec 14, 2008 21:59
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Maybe the book was written by someone else and used the boy as a marketing tool. It would generate plenty of free publicity.

I have alwayss encouraged young people to say 'hello' to others they might like to meet. That is the standard approach in western countries. If the other person is stuck up (maybe because she/he is over suspicious like Katrina), that is their loss. Of course if you don't want to chat to that person, a courteous reply is appropriate, but don't get involved in a conversation. If the initiator continues just say something like, "I'm sorry but I'm busy just now' and smile pleasantly.

Far too many young people (especially in China) are frightened to speak to the opposite gender, there is a gap in their education so they will have to teach themselves.

Dec 18, 2008 01:25
GUEST54966 Everyone help me with this, i am a nine year old boy and i have this friend as the same age as me he has a girlfriend some of my friends were talking about and i did not know who it was then i met him and i asked if he could tell me he said no.... the next day at school {everything happened at school} lets continue.... the next day on dissmissal i asked if he could tell me the he said yes then he told me the name .....i was shocked and i said youve gotta be kidding me...... he said its true its true.... later at home ive been thinking about the girl in my class that i had a crush on.... then she didnt like me that much and since the day i liked her i have been shy to tell her "would you be my girlfriend?" then that day i was going to her and tell "would you be my girlfriend?" then i hesitated and thinked she didnt like me that much..... i walked back to my seat then i was thinking how would she like me then at dissmisal going home while at the car it was very silent and i was thinking how would she like me and i cannot think of some and the time my friend told me that his girlfriends name was that then after that scene i was really got jelous and that girl i liked knew that i had a crush on her because my friend told her on one day..... later, i was sad that i cannot think of anything. the next day our court was finished i saw her then she looked at me then ignored me i got in love with her i apprached her like a man and said i need to tell you something and had nothing to say then she said what?! then i said nothing.... maybe tommorow she said ok the next day i met her again and had nothing to say................................. 2 months later i still liked her and still jelous and the girl i liked i was thinking i would spit it out to her what i will say.... i forgot what to tell and then she really get mad and said i will ignore you for the whole school year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i was so sad that two more months later passed and then i was just a dope without her liking me and thats the story....... please leave any number of comments and give me thing to say to her.
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