"I have no girlfriend but I can teach you how to talk to girls"---A 9 years old boy said
Mar 10, 2009 15:02
GUEST40255 Just be courages GUEST54996 and ask her!Unless she has a boyfriend already!!
May 20, 2009 16:37
GUEST66194 Im 9 i want this girl named alyssa but i dont have the guts to tell her wat should i do
May 20, 2009 22:23
GUEST64190 theres a girl who likes me and i like her too but i dont know how to ask her out because i dont talk to her
May 24, 2009 14:46
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Hey S.G.2B,
You hit the nail on the head!! Tomorrow is another day. LB
Jun 22, 2009 00:06
GUEST19124 Hello everybody it doesen't matter whether you are a girl or boy But really i can't find any girlfriend in mine 22 years of life but this time i need of one with whom i can talk and share my feelings and love that girl.

So I just want to know what are the matter which any boy share with his girlfriend and what are the key points to remember while talking to girls.

if you believe in love then please send me your view at [|Shaan_love86]

Thanks & Regards

Jun 27, 2009 03:38
GUEST13987 Hello,

Look, I had a deep Crush on this girl at school!(I am 12 years old) I am not so sure if she likes me or hates me.'
Well... Most of the time i feel like she likes me. I usually hear my name and the girl's name from the other girls in my
classroom. And i have some good friends, but from the beginning of the school year i was not so sure about one boy.
He used to be one my best friends! But he is acting like he is gonna take her from me! I hope you understand what i mean. He is trying to make her to be his girlfriend!!!!!
That time i was freaking pissed and angry. At home, after school i almost killed my self. She means everything to me!(even though i am just 12 years old!) Can any one tell me how to get my (girlfriend) back? Please Please Please
Oct 21, 2009 21:19
Aug 27, 2010 14:43
GUESTNASIR hello my name is nasir and i am engineering student.i don't have gf through out my school to uni life.i am feel so sad when my friends are talking with there gf.then a question always arise in my heart why i don't plz someone help me to give me tips how i make a gf.........
Aug 27, 2010 21:16
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you just cant get away from here
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