Are men becoming more feminine?
Aug 21, 2014 01:53

Originally Posted by GUEST15647

Most kids have now been raised up watching Bugs Bunny, the Crossdressing rabbit.

LOL at that! Bugs Bunny is turning boys into girls...

There are many reasons why men are becoming feminine, but the main reason is modern lifestyle. Technological progress allows us to live without use of much of physical power. Therefore men don't need to be tough to work on the farm from a sunrise until the sunset, hunt wild animals and even work in a factories because of automatization of production. Very few people needed to perform most jobs. We adopted more sedentary lifestyle, most jobs are related to service which requires both men and women to look pleasant. As a result men are doing woman's job and that's a reason why they become feminized.

Add to that the point of the author about environmental chemicals, and most of them have feminizing properties. More woman during pregnancy are being bombarded with those chemicals, which mimic female hormones, thereby altering their future sons behavior during adulthood to more feminine, turning their bodies to produce less testosterone. Especially in countries like China, with a shit load of air and water pollution, and Japan with its air pollution due to incineration of their waste. Nevertheless, those chemicals spread thoughout the world naturally by flow of air and water, so it's becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Just think about it. Probably in the next 100-150 years people will stop reproducing.
Sep 11, 2014 00:40
GUEST84231 Gay?
Feb 7, 2015 01:39
GUEST11249 yes the Korean guys are getting feminine and the Korean movies and k pop seems to be supporting this and spreading this as they have so many pretty boys. But think its not so right for a guy to look so "pale" and pretty.
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