Do you fear death?
Dec 12, 2008 02:49
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Euthanasia has been a controversial topic for a long time. Some poeple support euthanasia while some don't. What are your view on Euthanasia? As for me, if being alive is a pain to somebody, he has the right to end his own life.

Several days ago, the SKY (a TV station in Britain) broadcasted a controversial documentary and caused heated debate. Even Brown, the PM of UK showed his concern. He didn't think that the SKY should broadcast such a documentary alive. The documentary tells a story about a couple. The husband suffers from the motor neurone disease and he needed a ventilator to help him breathe and was fed through a tube in his stomach. After talking to his wife many times, he decided to end his own life to escape the "living tomb". So he went to Zurich for euthanasia. With the help of a doctor, he passed away peacefully. His wife accompanied him at the last moment of his life.

Do you think the SKY should broadcast such a documentary alive? By the way, I wanna ask you a question:" Do you fear death? Suppose you are in this situation, will you end your life?"

Moments before he dies, she asks him: �Can I give you a kiss?�

Craig replies: �Of course� and Mary adds: �I love you.�

Craig says: �I love you, sweetheart, so much.�

Mary then tells him: �Have a safe journey, I will see you some time.�

Ewert and wife

Dec 12, 2008 02:52
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His wife accompanies him till he passed away.

Dec 12, 2008 07:41
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That is very sad. I can´t say what I would do if I were in same situation. I guess perhaps there is a limit to all of us when we think our living does not have human dignity any more. That is a state I don´t wish to anyone.

Dec 12, 2008 09:36
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It is a sad state of affairs that this should even be controversial. My life belongs to me and my family members who may depend on me. If I want to take my own life, and any dependants do not object, I have every right to. I despise the religious extremists and their fellow travellers that seek to force their ideas on other people. They should keep it for their congregation. I despise their attitude that in effect has the motto 'quantity of lives is more important than quality of lives'. How dare they say I or others must go on living if we don't want to, especially if we may be in constant danger and have no quality of life. To force continued suffering is inhumane: with sick animals we don't do this, but humans must suffer it seems.

So, yes, TV needs more such programs to show that there is a rational approach and that death should not be feared.
Dec 12, 2008 10:28
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It is realy sad story > but you don`t beleave me when I siad that I don`t fear of death .....
because I know that there is end of my life and this time of end will became i don`t when or where ???? but it will be come and naw i live .
Dec 12, 2008 16:22
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I would say a person has the right to believe, as he is also has the right not to believe. Probably one who thinks to take his own life should also think that his sudden demise won't make others suffer or causing hardship to others. For he who believes in religion, argues that the life given to him is not his, it belongs to God. He is just a caretaker.

Do I fear death? I think I do. Death stops me from doing things I want and plan to do. There are so many things I have not been able to fulfilled my duty as the head of my family, as a person in the society. Although I have various kinds of ailments but I do hope I can live a little while longer in order to discharge my responsibility for my family and society. While respecting whatever other people think, I won't take my life away nor request others to do mercy killing for me.

Dec 12, 2008 19:55
  • CHERRY07
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I am not sure if I have enough courage to face death when it comes. But if I had the right to choose, I would choose to die peacefully and not painfully. So euthanasia might be the way I choose.
Dec 12, 2008 20:13
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Do I fear death? No, not really. There have been times when I thought it was my time, stared at it squarely and said “Ok, this is it.”

However, I value my life because I believe I exist for a reason and that I am a part of the whole. I value my life because I actually love and enjoy my life. I do not fear dying, what I fear is the manner in which I will die. If it is my time, I want it to be quick, no suffering, no pain. I usually have a very high tolerance for pain but still, I know I have my limit like everyone else.

As for the case above, he and his wife consented to it so I fail to see why it should be an issue. Why make him suffer more?
Dec 15, 2008 21:29
  • GRIZ326
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Ending your life, IMO, should be a private affair. Making it public in the fashion described makes in political and that is so wrong on many, many levels.
Dec 15, 2008 21:39
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"Death is just part of a life, something we are destined to do". I forgot who said this, but I appreciate the view very much.

When it is our time, muscle relaxs, eyes close and nothing would ever bother us any more.
Dec 15, 2008 22:02
  • ZOEY
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When it is our time, muscle relaxs, eyes close and nothing would ever bother us any more.

Well said, Leo. Before death comes, we are so scared. When you face it, you will feel that it is not that horrible.
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