How to get the fish bone out of my throat?
Sep 20, 2011 05:03
GUEST59134 help me yar i am in too much pain plzzz guys how to get prevention from this bone stuck in my throat........:'( :'( :((
Sep 20, 2011 05:13
GUEST59134 wil anybody help me a fish bone stuck in my throat....:'(
Sep 25, 2011 04:57
GUEST80141 I think you should stuff stuff in your throat and don't bite it.
Sep 27, 2011 08:03
GUEST13241 My sister once had one stuck in her throat and it was cause her lots of pain. My nanny showed her this weird voodoo and got a cat to stroke the area where the fish bone is stuck. IT ACTUALLY WORK!
Sep 27, 2011 21:14

Originally Posted by GUEST13241

My sister once had one stuck in her throat and it was cause her lots of pain. My nanny showed her this weird voodoo and got a cat to stroke the area where the fish bone is stuck. IT ACTUALLY WORK!

Really? Your nanny is very powerful. I thought she could open a clinic to help those people who have fish bones stuck in their throats.
Oct 13, 2011 04:14
GUESTCATH Thank you for your helps me a lot....yap the fish bone
remove easily from my throat by eating bread...
God bless you.....
Oct 27, 2011 18:30
GUEST18321 what some orther way to get a fish bones come out !
Oct 29, 2011 16:04
GUEST20432 my mum has got a fish bone in her throat wat should she do
Nov 2, 2011 04:43
GUEST08205 2 get a fish bone out of ur throat is 2 have banana and raw bread and water then do vomit.
Nov 28, 2011 23:18

Originally Posted by GUEST40101

you all need a life

whats up.. wanna get a life with me?
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