How to get the fish bone out of my throat?
Dec 17, 2011 23:24
GUEST21139 try to eat bread or rice. dont chew it, just swallow a clump. if it doesn't go down, dont worry about it. the bone is not going to come down right away. just be patient....... be careful next time!!!!
Dec 20, 2011 12:49
GUEST52189 woops just wanted to see if it worked. so one time i had a fishbone stuck in my throat and i had to wait for it to disinagrate. i was spitting up blood. how crazy it was unreal. i was terrified...once it was gone i felt good.
Dec 21, 2011 02:53
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Originally Posted by GUEST52189

woops just wanted to see if it worked. so one time i had a fishbone stuck in my throat and i had to wait for it to disinagrate. i was spitting up blood. how crazy it was unreal. i was terrified...once it was gone i felt good.

Be careful when you eat fish. I prefer to eat fishes with big bones. I can see the bones and avoid eating them.
Dec 31, 2011 20:53
GUEST12252 yeh dude i would use bread as i know this cause my uncle had to quit his taxi job and come home for a cure to get a fish bone out his throt
Jan 1, 2012 04:17
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Find doctors as soon as possible, they have some professional tools to get it out. Don't try to cough it out as it's quite dangerous.
Jan 4, 2012 10:10
GUESTSHUEB squish Rice together and warm it up and eat it wile its hot dont chow the rice but make sure you don't make the rice in to a big ball or you will chock on
Jan 7, 2012 17:37
GUEST43121 the fish bone hurts really bad and we don't have any orange juice
Jan 8, 2012 18:19
GUEST20176 gah, i have a fish bone in my throat right now. >.<
Jan 8, 2012 18:39
GUEST20176 okay, i made small round pieces of bread. i took one piece and i chewed it so that it had enough moisture to pass down the throat, but it was still dry enough to stay whole. i swallowed the piece in parts and then took sips of water. now, i don't feel any irritation or sensation of the bone in my throat. i am not sure if this worked or not. i had to try this a couple times since it wasn't working (meaning i still felt that bone in my throat) and i was about ready to give up. but i didn't want to see a doctor, so i tried again.
i also drank about 20 or 30 mL of orange juice beforehand since i read that it worked. it didn't work for me. hence the bread.
i didn't try anything else that i have read in this thread.
Jan 9, 2012 13:50
GUEST71230 My Argentine parents told us to eat the soft part of bread (middle part only) apparently as you swallow the soft part of the bread (no water) it can dislodge the fish bone. They used to say that if the bones are not dislodged in the first attempt, try it again. If it does not work on the second attempt, go to emergency. It goes without saying, if you are really choking seek help immediately, people should call 911...or some might try the Heimlich Man oeuvre
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