Pretty single girls are dangerous???
Mar 4, 2009 00:03
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Originally Posted by SHESGOTTOBE

If a man can be stolen, is he really worth it?

Definitely not. Here pretty single girls are not dangerous. They are "touchstones". Girls can test if their BFs are loyal to them with their beautiful female friends.
Mar 4, 2009 11:32
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Hello FAN'S awww you dont really mean what ya say single girls are not dangerous noo no no you all got it wrong ,,yep i.m
SINGLE yes iam" and have been for 7yrears and believe me im HAPPY and my friends love me for who iam, Im not a lesbian
just love my own home comforts no harm meant for my friends but i've more breathing space and at age 34 im so glad to be single for it just means i dont have to answer to no man /1 im free baby yea free ,

INFACT- i have dated two asian men but i'am happy to just be friends with them now ,
When it comes to men really who really needs them yea i said it everything i have better believe 1 bought it
come on i paint decorate and iff i have man jobs needing done fine its done my money will pay for it .

now iff all my friends were happy with their partners and had it all maybe just maybe i might think twice , YUP i do have a date this sat but know what single is really GREAT - NO MAN NO WORRIES HASSLE FREEE oh yea LOVE ME HATE . love me more xox
Aug 17, 2009 15:27
GUEST33187 That's not fair. Not all pretty girls are vain nor do they all crave attention. I hate how people treat them. It's like they can never fit in. People either kiss their feet, underestimate their abilities, or treat them like crap for no reason. Guys never approach pretty girls and they hardly ever have actual genuine friendships. Looks aren't everything. I wish people would stop acting like it is.
Aug 18, 2009 12:15
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Originally Posted by GUEST33187

Looks aren't everything. I wish people would stop acting like it is.

I wish we live in a perfect world, too. But the fact is we don't. Looks aren't everything. But people will always judge people based on looks. I will believe otherwise when I actually see a man who won't fall for a beautiful woman.
Aug 20, 2009 20:55
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There is an old saying that says beauty is only skin deep. Deep sea divers dont dive in shallow waters. Ones true beauty lies far below than what is on the 1st millimeter of outerskin. If you earnestly seek to know ones heart first.. then you will experience what true beauty is. There is nothing wrong with beautiful women or not so beautiful women but dig a little bit deeper and you will know the person and their ways. If one dates for a persons outer beauty only then you are as shallow as the waters you swim. The beautiful high performance models ( "The ones who know it" ) are very high maintenance. Have your wallet ready. 7 times out of 10 beautiful girls dont have boyfriends and are very lonely because other guys think she is taken. This is stereotyping her into a category of fast women that like to party hard and spend money. When in reality this small percentage of women are just looking for someone special to talk to and share her dreams and not having the man listening intently while staring at her breasts. Sad to see so many breakups because of not taking the extra step first of seeking a persons inner self. LB
Sep 1, 2009 22:24
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My wife is a very attractive because of her happy outlook. If she had an unhappy disposition she would not be attractive at all. Stunningly beautiful people usually make great first impressions, but eventually they turn ugly if they have a sour disposition.
Jul 7, 2010 14:14

Originally Posted by GUEST33187 View Post

That's not fair. Not all pretty girls are vain nor do they all crave attention. I hate how people treat them. It's like they can never fit in. People either kiss their feet, underestimate their abilities, or treat them like crap for no reason. Guys never approach pretty girls and they hardly ever have actual genuine friendships. Looks aren't eve...

Ah, a fellow beauty. Isn't it a *** for everyone to be mean to you because you are pretty? Women hate you and men are scared shirtless of you. Sure have hated it my whole life. I have a mirror, I can see how I look, but I have only ever been hated on by women, and by most men who are too insecure to date a pretty girl. They would rather marry a plain girl, so that when she gets all fat from babies, he won't notice the difference. Guys don't ever approach pretty girls, look at Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Simpson, Madonna, Sandra Bullock. The men arrive, act rude, shit all over you to prove they can, then leave. It's great. God forbid you should be smart in addition to pretty.

Ugly girls want someone to "be nice to them", but pretty girls have no soul? They just want "attention." All you shallow, judgmental stereotypical assholes make me sick. Try judging a woman for who she is as a person someday, not just based on looks. You can't have it both ways. Either be nice to the pretty girls, or marry an ugly one because that's the best you can do. See if I care. I'm too busy working on my career. Eventually I will meet a nice, regular guy WHO THINKS HE'S LUCKY TO SCORE SUCH A PRETTY GIRL WHO IS NICE ON THE INSIDE TOO. Until that day, I'm gonna laugh it up every time I see some dude with his fat ugly wife yelling at him. Genius. Oh, yeah, honey, you did a lot better with her Everyone knows beauty comes from within. If she looks beautiful and it comes from her heart, you better snap her up.
Jul 13, 2010 01:55
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To upstairs,

I guess that you are a pretty girl, right? Otherwise, you will not be very angry. My girl is not a beauty and that's why I like her. Pretty girls are narcissistic and self-conceited. If you treat her well, she will be happy. If you can not satisfy her, she will think that she just lives with a loser and complains about everything. They think that they deserve better life because they are pretty.

Girls with outer and inner beauty are as rare as pandas.
Jul 22, 2010 04:05
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Don`t judge people by their apperence!!!!
Jul 22, 2010 04:35

Originally Posted by SOPHIAW

Don`t judge people by their apperence!!!!

Right. But few men can do it. Men judges women on their appearances, especialy when they see pretty women.
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