Boycott the Valentine’s Day???
Feb 16, 2009 02:07
  • BBQQ
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Two men marched on a street in Changsha with a four-meter long banner, calling on more and more people to boycott the Valentine’s Day. They drew much attention from the public. Even the reporters came there to interview them. They said that this was not a show. They just wanted to remind people that we Chinese shouldn’t forget our traditional festivals. A few people agreed with them and signed their names on the banner to support those two guys. However, some other people said that there was no need to boycott the Valentine’s Day. These two guys just wanted to show their “individuality”.

Similarly, a guy in Japan built a website to boycott the Valentine’s Day and he gained much support from the netizens. So far, about 15000 people registered on that website.

Do you think we should boycott the Valentine’s Day?

No.1 The banner says "Everyone is responsible for boycotting vulgar Valentine's Day.

Feb 16, 2009 02:07
  • BBQQ
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One more.

Feb 16, 2009 03:49
GUEST47335 What is Chinese culture?.. fast food restaurants (McDonalds,KFC)...knock-off designer clothes (blue jeans and t-shirts)..Tv..DVD...KTV..internet.Western music..movies...holidays (Christmas..maybe Easter next?). Does China even have a culture anymore? The only traditional Chinese culture I have observed is what is brought out only when the tourists are in town.It seems if a HOLIDAY can be used for making money..the Chinese will celebrate it!
Feb 16, 2009 20:30
  • CHERRY07
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Don't you see that there is a BBS address on the banner? I guess that those two guys was trying to promote that BBS in the name of boycotting the Valentine's Day. Because of the financial crisis, this year's Valentine's Day was not as popular as before. Few activities were held by those businessmen. And there were fewer flower girls than ever on the street.
Feb 25, 2009 03:30
GUESTME I agree with GUEST47335 : what is Chinese culture (anymore)?

It also seems to me, more and more Chinese have whole-heartedly embraced western pop culture enmasse: mcdonald's, KFC, pizza hut, bars, clubbing, discos, nightclubs... and...

mixing it all up with Chinese traditional culture? endless massage parlours, spas, sex shops, underground brothels... you name it!!

boycott Valentine's Day? nyiiah... just like emptying a bucket of water from your spittoon into the sea.

btw the 8 million strong ethnic Chinese communities in Malaysia-Singapore still retain their "Chineseness" and many cultural traditions over the past 60 years... many of them enjoy Valentine's Day.
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