Romancing a Chinese woman
Aug 15, 2011 22:36
GUEST17397 i travel regulerly to china once in two month or every month

but i did not get a girl friend who can accompany me and a good translator

for my buisness
Aug 29, 2011 17:22

Originally Posted by GUEST78243

I've been seeing a lovely Chinese girl. We've "gone out" 3 times and have had a very nice time each. I am starting to have some very strong feelings for her. How can I tell if she has similar feelings?

by telling her you're starting to have very strong feelings for her and asking her how she feels about you.
Sep 17, 2011 18:24
GUESTLOGAN I am going to China in a few months to meet a woman that I have been talking to online for about 5months. We have discussed everything from cultural differences, child rearing, past relationships, sex, gender roles, and hobbies, etc. We both strongly agree that the foundation of a long, happy, and successful relationship is Communication, Respect, Trust, and Intimacy.
Sep 18, 2011 10:42
GUESTKATOMAX hello,how do i know if chinese women likes me, i go to eat at chinese ,and one waitress always talking to me,then she placese her hand on mine to talk to me, smileing at me,makes sure i have all i need,told me she lives close by, i did not ask,is she just being kind?or likes me, i like her.i did not go there for 2yrs, i had long hair,mustach,now short hair,clean shaven,and she seen me across the room, and new me wright off''wave and seat me, then say i had not seen you in some time,you look good, hummm..what do you think?
Oct 15, 2011 10:45
I think that sometimes it is hard to tell. I know my wife is so sweet, she greets everyone very warmly, and thinks that all Americans hug, so she has taken to hugging people a lot, and even kisses our friends that are very close to us, on the cheek lol. With that said, I think it is the same as with anyone else, don't worry about rejection, maybe ask her if she could take you to an Asian market to help you buy some things! Even if she doesn't want to go, it won't be the end of the world, she'll probably just laugh, say no and apologize.
Nov 3, 2011 03:10
GUEST79130 dont worry too much. china lady are easy. show them your $$ and tell her you will bring her to far far away land out of PRC. then they will do anything just for you for NOW. one more piece of advice ... DONT FALL FOR THE TRICK WHEN THEY ASK YOU TO SHOW YOUR SINCERITY... UNLESS YOUR POCKET IS VERY DEEP.
Nov 3, 2011 03:15
GUEST79130 i guess what you need is a female f.....c buddy for travel. it depends what you can offer after the "business".
Nov 25, 2011 04:17
GUEST04299 I married a taiwanese woman. Although she was/is quite similar to mainland chinese girls, there might be a 'slight' difference between them. (And, of course, everybody is different). But, what I would tell you (if it is not too late, to ask yourself, why am I attracted to these people, and if you have never even been there before (china or at least asia, then, realize two things: 1) I really dont know their culture. And, 2) there will be a large learning curve in the 'process."

Also, to offer a 'worse-case scenario.' What if: she is interested in me, just because of my nationality, like "American." Keep in mind the normal girl in china has nothing going for her. She feels trapped by her lack of opportunities, except in the cold-hearted businessworld of Asia.

Believe me; until you've been there, and spent (at least) 6 months in that place, you know nothing about it. Read up on it. But, being there, is another world compared to reading.

(If you are from say, America, then, realize that thier culture is much like being 'on another planet.' Sure, they eat, shit, and sleep just like the rest of us; but beside that, get ready.

Your 4-month old 'Asian sweetheart,' is probobly NOT motivated IN THE SLIGHTEST to tell you the actual truth about her life. This could be a big bubble -burster, since most 'prostitutes' can navigate the net, and share their emotions with someone.

Not to say that IT IS a possibility that that girl "could" tell you the truth, and be geniunelly interested in you, your culture, and actually have 'some sort of life,' similar to yours. But, my experience, although painful serves very valuable.

If I can save "anybody" from the lies, the games (and they are endless), the confusion/hopelessness and yes, castigation from your own family, then I would.

But, it seems most want to think they are "the exception," however, many are "stuck" in a permanent situation, called "marriage," in which all of your friends, and all of your family will be involved with on some level.

My opinion: don't get married or even offer her immigration until you've done your due diligence on her and her family, her surroundings and her culture.

It will SAVE your ass, otherwise, you are simply ignorant of their ways, and their heartless games.

Good luck.

Dec 6, 2011 22:19
GUEST79130 they are just out there to catch the big stupid fish ........ the slightest sign that you showing due diligence to check her background and believe me they are not stupid.... they will play the "wait game" and test your patience and desperation for a PRC OO
Dec 7, 2011 10:51
There's good and bad everywhere. Ya know how I found my wife, her smile. There's no way anyone could fake the way she Lights up the room. Also, women who have children are less apt to drag their children around scamming guys for money. Follow your heart, you'll know when its right.
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