New trend:"You buy an apartment and I buy a car!"
Feb 24, 2009 01:10
  • KEVIN0518
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"You buy an apartment and I buy a car!" This is the new deal between husbands and wives in Qingdao. Since people's living levels have greatly improved, young people have higher requirements for marriage. A new trend is getting more and more popular: The husband is responsible for buying an appartment and the wife usually buys a car as her dowry.

Does this sound fair to you?
Last edited by KEVIN0518: Feb 24, 2009 03:31
Feb 24, 2009 19:59
GUEST4275 Not fair. An apartment costs you at least 500000 yuan. If you buy an ordinary car, it costs you 30000-40000 yuan. If you intend to buy a good one, it costs you 200000-300000 yuan. Besides, the car is getting to lose it value since the day you bought it. Ten years later, it is worth nothing. However, your apartment will increase its value if you choose a good location. Considering of these factors, do you think it is fair?
Feb 25, 2009 03:02
GUESTING read the fine print...
1. whose name(s) appear on the documentation for the house
2. is the house fully paid; or under bank-financing
if wife's name is on all the documents and if it's paid in full by the husband then you got a deal...
the car? well a cherry QQ is small change anyway.. what... its still a car?!!!
Feb 25, 2009 20:09
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Is it a fair deal? Maybe and maybe not. To me, it's my responsible to provide a shelter for my family, provide clothes, food as well as transport (if I have the ability of course). When I got married, we rented a house, and used public transport. After eight years of marriage, I managed to buy a small house and a small car for my family. When my eldest daughter recently got a job with the government, her salary barely can afford her to buy a car, I gave her one small car. Will she pay me back for the car? Will the house belong to my wife? I never thought of that yet, but the house will be there for them as long as I live, and even after I pass away. We need to sacrifice for our family.
Feb 25, 2009 20:42
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Originally Posted by WANHU

When my eldest daughter recently got a job with the government, her salary barely can afford her to buy a car, I gave her one small car. Wan

We wish our son will be able to start to support himself in 3rd year uni. edu and hope he would do much much better than us in earning his life.
Feb 26, 2009 02:52

Originally Posted by GUESTING View Post

read the fine print...
1. whose name(s) appear on the documentation for the house
2. is the house fully paid; or under bank-financing
if wife's name is on all the documents and if it's paid in full by the husband then you got a deal...
the car? well a cherry QQ is small change anyway.. what... its still a car?!!!

No.1 If the husband pay for the house, usually the husband's name appears on the documentation. However, some clever girls require their husbands to sign their names together on the documentation. Of course, these girls don't pay a penny for their house. Do you think the husband will agree?

No.2 For ordinary people, few can fully pay for a house. They ask a loan from the bank or their parents support them to buy a house. The rich guys of course can fully pay the money for the house.

Then do you think it is still fair?
Feb 26, 2009 21:45
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It has nothing to do with "fair" or "unfair". Girls who want their names appear on the documentation just feel insecure. They are afraid that they might divorce their husbands in the future. If they divorce, they will gain nothing. However, if they have their names on the documentation, they will have 1/2 of the house. If we think about this another way, we will find out that those girls who require their names on the documentation are not confident about their marriage. If you decide to marry someboy, you should trust him/her.

As for the husband, they feel it is unfair. They pay all the money to buy the house but their wives want to share their house without paying a penny. It is understandable. However, they should think about it carefully too. A girl who loves you very much leaves her parents' house and decides to marry you and spend all her life with you till death. Shouldn't you offer her a shelter to live in?
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