Shanghai Pudong Airport to Hangzhou & Hangzhou back to Shanghai
Mar 1, 2009 23:35
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I'll be arriving in Shanghai Pudong Airport on 8 Apr at 6.20am & I need to get to Hangzhou from the airport. Can someone please advise me what is the best way to travel. This is my 1st time to Shanghai.
Mar 2, 2009 04:50
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You're arriving too early for the direct buses from Pudong airport to Hangzhou, unless you don't mind waiting till 0930.
"Best" is relative. How many of you are there and how much luggage do you have? Do you understand Chinese?
Mar 2, 2009 19:44
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Yes, I can speak mandarin I'm from S'pore. There are 2 of us & we have 1 luggage each. I printed this timetable but not sure if it is the latest... it says D685 Shanhai South 07:25 (Dep) Hangzhou 08:43 (Arr). How do I get from Pudong airport to the train station?

I will be staying in Hangzhou for 1 nite & head back to Shanghai for 3 nites. From Hangzhou I will need to figure out how to get bach to Shanghai.
Mar 3, 2009 04:08
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You'll hardly be able to be in time for a train leaving at 0725. Don't forget you'll take some time to clear immigration and baggage claim. If you can wait till 0750 (earliest departure), you can take take airport shuttle no.7 to Shanghai South train station for 20 RMB/pax, journey time 1+ hour. Otherwise, take a taxi for about 160 RMB, journey time probably around 40 mins.
I would suggest that you find a way to get someone to help you pre-buy train tickets, otherwise you'll have to find the ticket office and wait again, and you might get tickets for a later departure which requires you to wait even more. (Tickets go on sale 10 days before departure date.)
The earliest D train departures are at 0725 (D685), 0744 (D653) and 0930 (D657). You're likely to be able to make it for D657, but not the earlier two. Or if you don't mind, you could go by T779 (0810--0954) if you're taking a taxi to Shanghai South train station.
Any more queries, email me at|ellyse99 and put "TravelChinaGuide" and your own username (eg pingping) in the subject line.
Mar 3, 2009 05:36
GUEST33251 Hi
I think the best way is to arrange a airport pick-up service.
The airport pick-up service from pudong airport to the south railway station is 300RMB.
And the driver can help with buying the train tickets or prebuy it.
Or the fastest way is to take taxi from shanghai airport to hangzhou.
The car rental service of one day from shanghai airport to hangzhou is about 1000RMB.
But if u r within budget and don't mind the time,then take the bus then train station will be good.It takes about 1.5 hours by bus to the south railway station.I can help with the bus&train time schedule.

Any help,pls feel free to send me the|bestchinatrip

Mar 14, 2009 21:51
Mar 21, 2009 00:43
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Yes, there're direct buses from Pudong airport to Hangzhou city.
Mar 25, 2009 20:19
GUESTAWESOME... Hi PingPing. If you want to get to the Shanghai South Station might want to take the Maglev train (it is a cool experience) to the Subway station on line two. Then from Shanghai Subway route two you'll want to go east, interchange at people's square (ren min guang chang). then switch to line one, South, towards xinzhuang. then it will announce when you get to shanghai nan zhan.
Mar 26, 2009 07:57
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Taking the metro is a bad idea when loaded down with luggage.
Mar 30, 2009 17:35
GUESTKEVIN J... Can you advise how long it takes to go from Hangzhou to Pudong Airport by car
Kevin Johnson
Mar 31, 2009 05:41
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Perhaps around 3+ hours depending on traffic conditions.
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