Teaching English - Advice?
Apr 11, 2009 01:45
guest28198 Dear forum

Currently I am teaching English at a government school in the Yunnan province and have fallen in love with the fact that I can to some extent help others learn and vice a versa (wonderful Chinese people have taught me more that I ever dreamed of)

The only issue I have been dealing with is the sheer number of (teenage) students in one class 70 at the most and their level of English is very basic so I usually have to think on my feet as no teaching materials are provided by the school (they feel that oral English taught by a native speaker doesn't need their school's teaching materials although I beg to differ) but that's a whole different subject (no pun)

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on what topics teenagers would be interested talking/debating or discussing as I am literally running out of ideas since this is my 8th month now and I am starting to struggle in devising a new lesson plan for classes. (By the way I have discussed this with the school but to no avail and I have to agree to their rules)

Lastly does anyone know of any good schools in the south of China where native English teachers are needed? For a change of pace perhaps a younger group or kindergarten level would be a experience I'd like to embrace ( I like a challenge)

I would like to stay in China for a while longer as it has so much to offer and I am constantly learning so much and respect the culture deeply.

Thank you for reading and any information would make my day :)

Apr 12, 2009 04:29
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Maybe we are not the people to ask. Have you asked the students? surely the lessons will be more interesting for them if they learn about something they are interested in.
Try having a meal out with some of them, get an idea of what issues they talk about.
Talk about England, we have a culture and history, they must be curious as they are learning the language.
Get some English tea in, let them try some of our stuff. If you dont have any, it wont cost much to send over as its light.
Apr 12, 2009 20:20
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Talk to them on what worries them and their future. Will they have to join the army? Do they want to start a family. How do the laws there affect them. ask them about the current events especially what has happened with the pirates off the coast of Somalia. Ask them what would they do?? that situation. Current events is always a good starter to get them talking
Apr 15, 2009 16:22
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Let them listen to some good English songs and ask them the meaning of the words. Ask them which country they'd like to visit, make oral presentation for each and every student or in groups. Introduce them to some activities such as making picture dictionary. Use available materials from business brochures and flyers, save cost. Yes of course, try to introduce cultural exchange, tea drinking, types of coffee and java, etc. Some undergraduates in English major cannot converse very well, what more with teenagers with very basic English.
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