Is bottled water safe enough to drink in China?
Jul 4, 2009 22:52
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I drink bottled water almost everyday. I am unware if it is safe enough to drink. It is just very convenient. We don't have to think about if it is safe before we drink or eat. Currently, the processed food is more or less unsafe in a strict sense.
Jul 8, 2009 03:46
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There are various types of bottled water on sales, such as mineral water, drinking water, Reverse Osmosis, etc. Although drinking water is probably the same as tap water, but it has already been finely filtered. It is indeed better than the yellowish tap water; and of course everything has a price.
Jul 14, 2009 21:24
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I would rather drink boiled water than drinking the "self-styled pure bottled water". The tap water is not drinkable. The tap water contains too much Chlorine.
Jul 17, 2009 22:37
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I would like to drink Shanghai Ice green tea.

Pls watch

Mar 7, 2010 18:31
GUEST18423 That's it! I'm now going to start boiling my bottled water.
Apr 28, 2010 12:30
  • ALMO99
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Couldn't you just filter your own water while you're there? I mean in the USA I think that a lot of the bottled water companies just use good filtration systems to get any sediment out, etc. When traveling to China you could just get a tap water filter and that would take out a lot of the impurities at least.

Last edited by ALMO99: Apr 28, 2010 12:31
Oct 28, 2012 10:21
GUEST51335 @ALMO99: I don't think it's a question of impurities when it comes to bottled water. recent reports ahow huge bacteria amounts in the bottled water. I don't think you can remove cadmium or lead from tap water without an active carbon filter.
Feb 20, 2014 21:50
GUEST31174 I am not a scientist but I drink water straight from the tap and never had any problems with it in Nanning. Tastes just fine. I am from Houston, Texas. Been here for almost 1.5 years. Given a choice I do boil it or use the big water bottles, but I am not fussy. My gripe is it is hard to find cream, milk is expensive and steak is impossible here. Rice wine is not wine but some OK wine is available here and made here. I am not a wine fan so I am not that fussy but fussy enough that if I don't like it I pour it down the drain. The people are great, lots of good times...certainly better than Texas!
Jan 29, 2015 19:26
GUEST10868 Do not drink from the tap; PERIOD.
The water may leave the purification plant potable enough, but by the time it travels through the old pipes and plumbing and makes it's way into your glass it will be contaminated without doubt.
If you boil, the water must reach boiling and do so for the very least 3 minutes, 5 to be safe. A hot water kettle snaps off after less than a half a minute and does not get the job done.
So buy bottled and check the seal each time. And then dispose of the empty container in the recycle bin.
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