Criminal Background Check
Jul 3, 2009 03:21
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I was told by the "Shenzhen Administration of Foreign Affairs " that Americans who want to teach legally in China ("Z" visa, "Residence Permit" and "Foreign Expert Certificate") must now return to their hometown and obtain a "Criminal Background Check" from the local police. Is this only being enforced in Shenzhen? I've heard there are 30 countries on the list, but Canadians, British and Australians are OK. The US Dept of State has this on its website and it reeks of "1984"! I've been teaching English in China for 6 years and I must say that this is the final straw! Any comments?
Jul 3, 2009 14:26
GUEST87220 I have a criminal record for misdemeanor stalking. Does this mean I can't teach in Shanghai? I will try if I don't need a certificate
Jul 16, 2009 00:40
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Nomadmic: This is a new situation - I notice that no-one has commented in the 2 weeks since you posted, perhaps because there has been no experiences yet. Can't you obtain the background check without returning? I agree that it must be very frustrating but this is hardly ''1984' stuff. If country wishes to exclude persons with criminal backgrounds that is hardly unreasonable, your country takes the same line!!....Though I think having to return to get it is a pain and I agree I wouldn't bother.

It is quite possible that other PSB offices might not apply thgis 'rule'. Unfortunately, you would either have to get a job offer in another municipality or get someone to make an enquiry elsewhere for you.

Please update us here in the light of any further experiences.
Jul 16, 2009 08:43
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I have decided to go ahead and complete the "criminal background check," while I am visiting my parents in Florida. The State Dept. website mentions that most of this is free, but that is not my experience. My local police station in Naples, Florida charged 2$ and took about 10 minutes for the initial check. They had no free fingerprint cards, so I searched online and eventually found some, which I printed out and hope will suffice. Today I must go to the Sheriffs' Dept. and get the fingerprints done for an additional 3$. After that I will send them to the FBI with the 18$ fee enclosed. I think a 2 - 4 week wait is normal. I will try to have them mailed to me in China, then I must bring them to a Chinese Embassy or Consulate and get the proper chops. I had wanted to return with a job offer and invitation letter, so that I could get the "Z" entry visa in the US, but English First told me, the invitation letter takes them between 4 and 6 weeks. I only have 2 weeks here and they said I would have to return to America again. So, I have given up on working for them. I am not sure about getting a "Z" visa in Hong Kong. Some say it can be done and some say it can't. On another topic, EF told me that they could have the background check done through them using a private company without leaving China. That was at a cost to me of 85$. So, at least it sounds possible to do without leaving. Hopefully this info helps? background check
Jul 16, 2009 22:49
GUEST87220 so is it official now that if you want to work in china you must have a criminal background check?
Aug 16, 2009 20:53
GUEST87220 why is nobody answering me?
Aug 16, 2009 21:48
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Seems that nobody knows for sure because the Chinese rules are very ambiguous and imposed arbitrarily. I had a local, county and FBI criminal background check done while in Florida, but it takes 4 -6 weeks to get the results. The FBI is to mail the results to my address in China, but I don't have much faith the letter will arrive. It cost me 2$ for the local check, 3$ for the county check and 18$ for the FBI. Some people have told me only Shenzhen requires the background check. For some reason they have a rep for being hardasses. Good luck!
Aug 17, 2009 09:34
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Yes for certain positions a criminal background report is mandatory. I had to have one done for the airport PSB since I work in aviation. A state issued, FBI, or even an online check will suffice as with anything in China depends where you are and who is evaluating the information, mine was just a local police check back in the states that cost me about $3.00. Also whatever the severity of the crime as long as you were not convicted and can offer a detailed explanation (from a lawyer) then you will be ok. If you have a felony conviction that comes up and you did not disclose this on your visa application back your bags you will be sent home if they cross reference these documents and be careful with the FBI report you will be surprised to see what is on it so try for a state or local check. You will be required to have these documents proffesionally translated into Chinese. I completely agree with this process as their are to many people seeking to work as expats that are running lets just say from previous responsibilities.
Jan 14, 2010 19:06
GUEST18158 I have read this topic with interest as I would like to get a work visa/permit (z visa) to work in China. It appears that they have tightened up the procedure for this and insist on an applicant obtaining a certificate of no criminal record from the police force in their home country and getting it notarised at the Chinese Embassy as part of the application process. There is no way around this as any request I make for this information will clearly show my previous conviction despite the fact it was 22 years ago and legally spent under the UK Rehabilitation Of Offenders act.
It states clearly on a number of official websites that a work visa will only be granted to someone with NO criminal record. This is bad news for me as I was convicted of a relatively minor crime 22 years ago and if I accepted the job I have been offered to work in Shanghai would not only be unsuccessful but also suffer the embarrassment of my conviction becoming public and possibly affecting my current job.
So much for redemption and rehabilitation. The mistake I made as a young man will likely stop me ever being able to live and work in another country.
Jan 15, 2010 00:19
GUEST21200 You could either work illegally (as most foreigners do) and hope your company pays off the right police or leave China to their own silly ambiguous rules. I will soon be choosing the latter.
Jan 18, 2010 15:42
GUEST87220 guest 18158 a lot of things are listed. But if they don't check does it matter? For example I have a criminal record and I visited China last year. I marked "no" for a criminal record, went and came back with no problems.
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