What do you think women with underarm hair exposed in summer?
Jul 8, 2009 02:20
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Underarm hair (also armpit hair) is part of human body hair. It starts growing naturally at puberty. In the western countries, lots of girls remove armpit hair to look “good”. Nowadays, some female celebrities in China also shave their armpit hair. In the summer, the ordinary girls begin removing their armpit hair in order to wear the stylish suspenders and sleeveless tops. Do you think the natural armpit hair untidy and unhygienic?

Jul 8, 2009 13:43
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It is not very good looking on a woman, personally I prefer women without hair.
Jul 8, 2009 19:32
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LOLolololol What made you think of that!!!! Im glad I ate dinner first.Ha ha Good one Dave.....LB
May 14, 2010 07:55
GUEST80255 In the western countries, lots of girls remove armpit hair to look “good”.

Do you mean that western countries girls shave their armpit hair everyday?
Lol,shave armpit hair make the hair becomes longer...Haha
May 26, 2010 04:24
GUEST16510 Yes, shaving will make hair grow more coarse but not longer. How can it be longer if you shave everyday? :-). Personally I think besides shaving, deodorant is also a MUST!
May 27, 2010 03:50
GUEST27169 wat abt indian girls uh?
May 29, 2010 22:41

Originally Posted by GUEST80255

In the western countries, lots of girls remove armpit hair to look “good”.

Do you mean that western countries girls shave their armpit hair everyday?
Lol,shave armpit hair make the hair becomes longer...Haha

Good ratiocination. armpit hair can not grow that fast. Why many use deodorant spray? It is anti-nature, or doing bad to our health.
May 30, 2010 11:18
GUEST27328 Girls let it grow,let it grow,let it grow
Sep 17, 2010 13:08
GUEST34119 they are very dirty they dont like to bath daily.
Jun 29, 2011 12:50
GUEST10553 it's not healthy to keep underarm hair for both ganders wax or use any thing that can pull the hair from the root from time to time you'll sweat and small less then your skin will come fresh and nice
and soft no need to change will be able to keep you shirt all the day long no need to have more laundry to wash.

by the way showing unwanted hair to the world is scandal.
Jul 4, 2011 18:26
It's not really good to look at girls who has armpit hair which seems as long as the boys It's a big turn of for me.. Better shave it every other day.. =)
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