What do you think women with underarm hair exposed in summer?
Jul 6, 2011 19:14
GUESTWOMAN21 I don't care whether other females shave or not, as long as they bathe regularly and use deodorant or an oil-perfume. My opinion extends toward males as well. As for myself, I can't shave my underarm hair, and I've been growing out of feeling like I have to shave my entire pubic region as well. I take a shower twice a day; maintain a healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats; drink water and tea; and use unscented baby wipes whenever I go to the bathroom to stay fresh.

I have an overwhelmingly sensitive sense of smell. Scent happens to be the first thing I notice about people in the same room as myself. Over the years, in spite of my diet and exercise habits, when I removed my hair I sweated and I smelled even with deodorant on. That never happens when I go natural. Not shaving, but trimming, helps me prevent ingrown hairs and foul odors from friction, sweat, and odor-causing bacteria that love damp, dark places to fester. I'm a lot more comfortable with hair than without it, and the best way to keep it soft (underarms and pubic region)...use shampoo instead of harsh, antibacterial, deodorized soaps.

It's a woman's personal preference what she is comfortable with doing to her body, just as much as it is a man's. Basic hygiene is more important than cosmetics. The only things either one should be concerned with as far as hygiene goes are:

1. Shower and scent check.
2. No dirt under the nails (not work related).
3. Brush teeth, tongue, and gums 2-3 times a day (mouthwash afterward or keep gum on hand).
4. Lotion or oil the body as necessary. (Even men can do it, there is nothing wrong with healing your skin).
5. (Someone might bring it up, but I don't like them.) Keep your feet smelling fresh. It's very simple to wash them during a shower and pat a bit of baby powder on them if you don't want to lotion them to keep them soft.
Jul 8, 2011 23:42
GUESTCB My Wife have armpit hair and we live in the U.S an I love she never is more healthy not to shave
Jul 9, 2011 03:10
GUEST92575 indian girls also remove their underarms and other parts of the body beside most of them did not wear selev less top .
lol how could think that
Jul 19, 2011 12:22
GUESTJOS I think it is naturally sexy.
Dec 14, 2012 11:57
GUEST40235 indian girls not only have underarm hair but also hair on the *** that is why poo particles are struck in those hair
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