Texas woman eats her 3-week-old son
May 31, 2012 08:53
GUEST19221 There is a GOOD LORD! That woman is sick and should be done the same way she done that baby!
May 31, 2012 11:18
GUEST36117 this lady is messed up! along with that miami man eating a homeless mans face off. people these days and the things they do... messed up!!!!
May 31, 2012 11:45
GUEST27194 that is just nasty and she will go to HELL for that also just sayin.
May 31, 2012 11:45
GUEST28121 you are ignorant for wanting to beat up a mental disturbed person. she obviously has more issues than you have ever dreamed of. the scariest thing in the whole world is to not be able to trust your own mind. the truly sad thing is that the baby died and even sadder, one day she may regain enough mental health to know what she did to her baby- and she will NEVER get over it. so please, don't judge, just shut the hell up.

if you really believe in god, then pray, that's all you can do. pray for her, pray for the baby, pray that she gets the help she needs and this never happens again.
May 31, 2012 11:52

Originally Posted by GUEST48446 View Post

When I was around 12 years old a dear, dear friend of ours went insane and stabbed her baby boy a lot of times and then rubbed the blood all over her naked body. My father went by to see the husband and found this happening on the kitchen table. Father was not home. She was institutionalized for several years. She also heard voices telli...

Well said. She will be paying the ramifications for this for a long time to come. Only God can help her. Also a note for all the people saying God should damn her and she's going to go to hell and all this hoo-ha. You obviously do not read the bible. God is only there to help his children. He will help her get better.

Jonah 2:6 To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you brought my life up from the pit, O LORD my God.
May 31, 2012 13:33
GUEST54430 She's mentally unstable. I think she's being punished enough by herself than anything anyone else can do to her. You all need to chill about God punishing her. She's mentally sick and needs help. Yes it is horrific, but I doubt that she was sane when it all happened.
May 31, 2012 14:13
May 31, 2012 16:34
GUEST02129 Your a douchebag for judging others, saying your children are your reason to live could mean you live to provide for them, to take care of them, it is a figure of speach, and questioning someone elses beliefs about god is ridiculous everyone is entitled to their own opinion get a life.
May 31, 2012 23:33
GUEST09498 that is just so sad!!!!
Jun 1, 2012 02:59

Originally Posted by GUEST09498

that is just so sad!!!!

This right here i'm sorry is all that should be said, You don't know whether it's a demon, a god, a mental disorder, a maniac, or just some freak that wants to eat a baby. It's sad, yes, it's uncalled for, yes, but is it anything new? Maybe in the states. I hope she gets what she deserves (whether it be good or bad) I dont know nor does anyone else whether she be deranged or not, but above all else, I hope she gets what she deserves. Cast judgement on yourself and no one else, read into your own actions rather than others. I don't care if it's gods belief or you belief or the donkey down the road. You don't know their mind nor the reason why anyone believes or acts the way they do. Do yourself a favor.. it sucks, learn from it and hopefully you won't do the same yourself unless if for some reason you feel it fit to do such a thing.. because I'm sure every person under the sun has had a macabre thought themselves if they haven't.. I'd like to see them say it in a mirror and mean it.
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