Will you marry such a girl?
Nov 10, 2009 01:52
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Note: I saw this in a Chinese forum and translated into English.

I am wondering if you guys attend any Chinese wedding ceremonies. Usually, the wedding ceremonies are held in the restaurants or hotels. In some rural areas, they are held in the groom’s house. No matter where the ceremony is held, the groom and the bride’s families, relatives and friends are definitely invited. On the wedding day, the groom has to go to the bride’s house to pick up the bride first. But he has to go through a series of challenges before being allowed to pick up the bride.

However, please remember not to do anything unbearable to the groom. Better not learn from these two brides.

No.1 The groom went to the bride’s house to pick his bride. However, the bride’s families didn’t let him in unless he barked like a dog. Eventually, he barked but the bride’s families broke their promise and still didn’t allow him to pick up the girl. Then the groom was angry and got back home. An hour later, the bride’s families called the groom’s father to see if the wedding was still going to be held. The groom’s father said the wedding was cancelled and the groom decided to divorce.

No.2 During the wedding ceremony, the groom’s father knelt down toward the bride to ask her to marry his son. After seeing this, the groom was very angry and decided to divorce no matter who came to persuade him. At last, they divorced. The girl had tried many times to look for her Mr. Right but no one seemed to be interested in her.

Well, if you were put in the situation above, would you marry the bride?
Nov 10, 2009 03:07
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A sense of humour is very important in a relationship. If a couple do not share a similar sense of humour then there will be trouble ahead. Love should conquer all. I guess these grooms did not love enough, if at all. If they were unable to leap the first hurdle their marriage would not have lasted.
Nov 10, 2009 03:38
Well, if I were the groom, I would divorce too. Men have self-esteem and dignity. That man who barked like a dog gave up his dignity to please the bride's families but they just humiliated him and still refused him to get in. He might be hurt deeply. As for the second groom, I applause for him. That bride was very stupid and she deserved divorce. How dare she let her father-in-law to kneel down? According to ancient Chinese marriage custom, she should kowtow toward her father-in-law.

Do you know why no one wanted to marry her? Men don't want to marry a girl who has no respect to his father.
Last edited by LONELYJOURNEY: Nov 10, 2009 03:38
Nov 11, 2009 03:38
GUEST4411 Well, I am a local in Xi'an. I just watched a TV program. It was also about the "pick up the bride" thing. The groom went to the bride's house to pick her up. However, she didn't want to go with the groom. She insisted that the groom should buy a LCD TV. Without this TV, she wouldn't marry him. The groom promised that he would buy one after their wedding day. But the bride didn't agree. Then the groom became very angry and asked if the bride wanted to marry him. The bride said "No".

The groom immediately left the bride's house with his friends. He went to another girl's house and proposed to her on bended knee. He said that he wouldn't stand up if she didn't say "yes". One hour later, the girl was totally moved and agreed to marry him. During the wedding ceremony, his friends teased him that they didn't know he still had another girlfriend. The groom told his friends that the girl loved him deeply but he didn't cherish her love.

Later on, his original bride went to the wedding banquet and tried to quarrel with the groom. The groom said to her "It is you who refused to marry me. So it is not my fault". He divorced his first bride the next morning and went to the local civil affairs bureau with her wife to apply for the marriage certificate.
Nov 11, 2009 07:54
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New Chinese culture, too complex.
Nov 11, 2009 13:20
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So it seems that in a Chinese marriage "love" doesn't enter into the equation.
Nov 11, 2009 20:58
  • KEVIN0518
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Originally Posted by GAFFER

So it seems that in a Chinese marriage "love" doesn't enter into the equation.

People sometimes marry for some other reasons, not for love. That bride who asked for a LCD TV was really stupid. She ruined her wedding and lost her love finally. Was it worthy?

By the way, their love was too fragile. If they really love each other, they wouldn't care about this too much.

As for the girl who forced her father-in-law to kneel down toward her, she must suffer from mental disorder and really needs to see a doctor. Who does she think she is?
Nov 11, 2009 21:11
  • KEVIN0518
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Originally Posted by GAFFER

A sense of humour is very important in a relationship. If a couple do not share a similar sense of humour then there will be trouble ahead. Love should conquer all. I guess these grooms did not love enough, if at all. If they were unable to leap the first hurdle their marriage would not have lasted.

Hehe, Chinese people are lack of humour genes. They are reserved and very formal. Getting married is the most important thing. On this occasion, they must be very formal. Barking like a dog is really a bad idea. Well, you might ask him to do this at home. But don't ask him to bark in public because face is very important.

The groom who barked like a dog cancelled the wedding felt that he lost his face and was humiliated.
Nov 12, 2009 01:01
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Originally Posted by KEVIN0518

Hehe, Chinese people are lack of humour genes. They are reserved and very formal.

I'm sorry but I don't think I agree with you...
Nov 12, 2009 02:41
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I don’t agree with the “Chinese people are lack of humour genes. They are reserved and very formal.” either. In fact, I’ve found the complete opposite.
Nov 12, 2009 04:59
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I also do not agree that Chinese lack humour. My (Chinese) wife has a great and very mischievous sense of humour, which is why we make a great couple and never fight. If you can laugh about problems, life is far easier. She also is not materialistic. Love and happiness are far more important to her than an LCD TV. She wont even let me replace her ancient pc because it still works.
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