Why do you date online?
Nov 17, 2009 03:16
Did you use any dating website before? If you did, what was your purpose of dating online? To tell you truth, I didn’t and wouldn’t use dating website in the future. You might feel surprised why I raised this question but you wouldn’t be surprised if you knew this survey.

The Telegraph reported an interesting survey. According to this survey, men are quicker to say “I love you” than women. Men take an average of seven months to tell a new partner that they love them while women take almost eight months.

Usually, men are often considered to value looks more highly than anything else when looking for a partner. But the survey found out it wasn’t the truth. This survey said 91 per cent of men would most like their ideal partner to have a sense of humor. In contrast, 85 per cent would most like them to have attractive looks.

The study also found half of men date to have sex, compared to around one fifth of women. In contrast, almost four fifths of women date to find a long-term relationship, compared to around two-thirds of men. And one fifth of men would have sex on their first date, compared to only one in seventeen women, with 28 per cent of women waiting until the fifth date, or later.

Well, please think about this question again. Why do you date online, to have sex or find your Mrs. Right or Mr. Right?
Nov 17, 2009 11:13
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Everything you have quoted applies equally to real life situations and online. The basic fact is that males are gentically programmed to re-create, females are programmed to nest build. Males will mate with virtually any female but are particularly attracted by looks. Females will seach for a strong healthy mate who can provide strong healthy young, looks are secondary. Only "modern" society has attempted to modify this programming and encourage pairing.
Nov 18, 2009 00:53
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I didn't use any but I was told there is some information about me on some dating website, quite annoying... I don't even know what they describe me....
Nov 18, 2009 01:23
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Originally Posted by HERBEAT

I didn't use any but I was told there is some information about me on some dating website, quite annoying... I don't even know what they describe me....

Herbeat, is it possible that the one who told you the info made a mistake? Some people use dating websites to find their true love while some other people just use them to find one night stand. People just get what they want.....
Nov 18, 2009 02:29
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Ok. So I want some chocolate, JimmyB^-^
Nov 18, 2009 03:30
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That's funny HB...ha
Nov 18, 2009 11:00
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I would question the theory that men are programmed to procreate. If it were so, there won’t be men who have low or zero sperm count. If men were built to procreate, they would have wombs. They would be hermaphrodites, just like some species. In fact, we can just reproduce just like how other organisms reproduce. There won’t be any need for another gender since they can do it all by themselves. If they were designed to procreate, they’d evolve to be better equipped at procreating. In fact, science is pointing to the opposite. Science is pointing out that the Y chromosome is getting more defective and defective.

Just like what JimmyB said, dating websites are just tools. People use them how they see fit. There are opportunists everywhere. Some women are on dating sites just to get free meals while some men are on dating sites to get sex. Some women are on the look out for rich men while some are really looking for the right person they want to spend their lives with. It’s a dog eat dog world. It is up to you to be careful.
Nov 18, 2009 20:31
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Originally Posted by HERBEAT

Ok. So I want some chocolate, JimmyB^-^

Well, Halloween Day has gone. I will be wating for you at my house next Halloween
Nov 18, 2009 20:57
LOL, I think that you should ask some chocolate from your boyfriend, Herbeat.
Nov 18, 2009 22:17
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Thank you for your advice longlyjo... But Jimmyb said I could get anything I want -D
Nov 19, 2009 00:14
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Originally Posted by HERBEAT

Thank you for your advice longlyjo... But Jimmyb said I could get anything I want -D

Well, you misunderstood me, Herbeat. I just wanted to say "people can get whatever they want on dating websites, such as true love, sex or a "sugar daddy".

Anyway, if you really want some chocolate, I can buy you some.
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