Why do you date online?
Nov 19, 2009 00:26
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In fact, I didn't, Jimmyb. Only kidding^-^
But are you serious with the chocolate? That would be lovely, haha....
Nov 19, 2009 00:37
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Well, I am serious. You must have heard"Even four horses cannot take back what one has said." I already said that and would realize my promise, hehe.
Nov 19, 2009 02:58
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It's toooo kind of you Jimmyb^-^
Nov 19, 2009 06:31
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Could this mean a Jimmy and Yolanda date!
Do we all get invites to the special day?
Nov 19, 2009 11:38
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Well, maybe a Yolanda and chocolate date? Haha -D
Or Jimmy, Dodger and anyone else who is interested in chocolate's date?
By the way, may I ask how you know the name Yolanda?
Nov 19, 2009 18:16
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“By the way, may I ask how you know the name Yolanda?“
Because you signed off with it in one of your posts.
Perhaps that’s what happens when you OD on chocolate?
Nov 19, 2009 20:11
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Originally Posted by DODGER

Could this mean a Jimmy and Yolanda date!
Do we all get invites to the special day?

Dating??? Dodger, you must be kidding, right?
Nov 20, 2009 01:47
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Hehe, ok, maybe that's a problem with getting old. Always forget what I've done.
Nov 20, 2009 04:07
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Jimmy, I would never joke about Cupid and his bow.

HB, I’ll forget it. I only remember it because I have a friend with the same name.
Nov 20, 2009 05:21
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Hey, Dodger, I was just curious about the way you get my name and that's all. Acutally it's a nice thing to be remembered, even if it's only a name. So please don't forget it^-^
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