Why do you date online?
Nov 22, 2009 06:42
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Gun was developed to protect ourself,now we are killing ourself by gun. So it depends on use. I found my soulmate online.
Dec 4, 2009 20:52
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Originally Posted by DODGER

Jimmy, I would never joke about Cupid and his bow.

HB, I’ll forget it. I only remember it because I have a friend with the same name.

Sometimes Cupid fired his arrow at a wrong person, haha. By the way, we also have a Cupid in China. His name is Yue Lao, shorted for Yue Xia Lao Ren. He is god in charge of marriage in china. Two people who are destined to be together are connected by an invisible red string. It is tied around the ankles of the two by Yue Lao. He sometimes made mistakes too.

Dec 4, 2009 23:45
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SHESGOTTOBE; We need both sexes in order to guarantee "natural selection". Males have billions of spem but females have a limited supply of eggs. In fact female humans are born with that finite supply. Females select the qualities in a male most likey to aid the survival of their limited supply of eggs. They work on acuracy. Males work on the theory that if you fertilize enough eggs, some will survive. Males work on numbers. We approach procreation from diametrically opposed positions. Hence our selection criteria rarely coincide and we seldom see eye to eye.
Dec 5, 2009 10:28
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I was referring to how males were genetically programmed, not as they are supposed to be now. Before pairing became de rigueur, males fertilized as many females as possible because many young died (perhaps eaten by preditors) in infancy. Producing many young enabled the species to survive.
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