What’s wrong with Fried Fresh Fish with Sweet and Sour Flavor?
Dec 10, 2009 22:14
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Have you ever heard of 糖醋活鱼 (fried fresh fish with sweet and sour flavor)? Recently, a guy uploaded a piece of video to Youtube and has drawn much attention from the public. Many guys commented that video. Most believed that it was too cruel to eat the fish in this way.

What do you think of this traditional Chinese dish?

Here is the video: Fried Fish Eaten Alive!
Last edited by ICEBERG: Dec 10, 2009 22:17
Dec 11, 2009 20:17
  • CHERRY07
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Well, anyone can tell me how caviar is made? I just want to know if it is cruel to eat the fish roe.
Dec 18, 2009 21:33
  • KEVIN0518
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Cherry, caviar is too expensive. Not all people can afford to eat it. If those guys really care about this, they should never eat fish anymore.

Just be a vegetarian!
Last edited by KEVIN0518: Dec 18, 2009 21:34
Jan 8, 2010 21:19
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Killing whales is cruel too. But people still eat whale meat.
Jan 9, 2010 10:54
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What constitutes cruelty? A person differs. Perhaps killing animals for food is permissible, generally.
Aug 31, 2010 05:34
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Sure its cruel, you are eating it while it is still struggling to live.
I have no problem with people eating animals but kill them humanely first.

Think of this in another way, an alien species comes to earth, much higher technology than us and decide to eat us. If they cooked us like this fish how would you feel then?
Just because we are the highest part of the food chain, doesnt excuse us from being so barbaric.
Sep 1, 2010 04:27
I don't like fish very much. It has too many tiny bones.

Davec, do you know how a girl kills a fish? Just imagine: She has a stick in her hands. Then she closes her eyes and hit its head with that stick. After hitting thousands of times, she opens her eyes to check if the fish was dead. Unfortunately, it is till alive. The fish still swings its tail with its mouth opening. You know what the girl is going to do next? She screams loudly and then grabs a knife to chop it. Definitely, she closes her eyes. When she opens her eyes, the fish is surely dead because it turns into pieces.

Haha, just for fun.
Sep 1, 2010 04:33
Seriously, my mom seldom killed the fish. She just bought a live fish and then let the seller kill it for her. The seller is very skilled. He kills it very fast. Then she just needs to scrape the fish and wash it carefully.

If you can not handle it, just find someone to do it for you.
Sep 1, 2010 16:09
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This dish is different, the fish is not dead.
It is gutted and they quickly boiled before serving with the sauce. It still has life in it when it is on the dish and served. The chef does not kill it first. That is why it is moving about.

If you check youtube there is a video on there of the whole process, it is really sick
Sep 1, 2010 20:44
Why doesn't he kill it first? Just show his excellent cooking skill? Or he wants to amuse the customers?

I have heard of another dish---burning the donkey with boiling water. The customer just go to see the donkey and then choose which part he/she wants to eat. Then a guy uses boiling water to burn that part until it is ripe. Finally, the guy cuts off that part and sends it to the customer. The donkey is screaming loudly. But no one cares about it.
Sep 2, 2010 00:58
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It must just be for publicity or to amuse customers, it cant make any difference to the taste
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