visit Chengdu, KunMing, Xi'An
Jan 19, 2010 04:30
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Not again. You missed the point that I was trying to make. I send photos along with my trip report and I can't post the photos here. Simple as that.
Jan 19, 2010 13:34
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You really should learn more English EL LYS E, or start opening your mind a little. You seem to have enormous trouble comprehending the obvious.

I Said "This is a DISCUSSION forum....not a PICTURE forum! People seek information here from a community. Not pictures from an individual! Maybe you should start your own website and stop poaching here."

This forum is designed to SHARE information with a community. That's why people visit it. It is not your personal fishing ground. If everyone simply trawled for enquiries then instigated private conversations like you do, it would soon go out of business.

If you want to post pictures and send travel reports then start your own website. If you want to contribute to this website ..then please do so! HERE!! In writing!!! So that EVERYONE can benefit.

You will never get it ELL YSE. I have no interest in continuing this conversation with you further, either here....or privately.
Last edited by BOBERT: Jan 19, 2010 14:04
Jan 19, 2010 17:08
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Some people have evidently not looked further into other posts on this forum to see my helpful posts.
Jan 19, 2010 17:33
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Originally Posted by ELLYSE

I'm not interested in wasting bandwidth to respond anymore to people who only want to draw attention to themselves -- nitpicking on people who've helped but no other helpful responses otherwise.

Then you have the temerity to add this "Some people have evidently not looked further into other posts on this forum to see my helpful posts".

What gall! You falsley accuse me of posting "no other helpful responses" then criticize me for "not looking further into your other posts". In fact is is YOU who has done EXACTLY what you falsely accused me of doing!! No doubt the irony will be lost on such a hypocrite but I will waste no more time communicating with you.
Last edited by BOBERT: Jan 19, 2010 17:40
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