Nothing can do with him?
May 10, 2010 05:14
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Sorry Dodg, I am weak from the Island paradise
May 10, 2010 05:40
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I think Larryboy has been flying solo with his banana again.
May 10, 2010 18:57
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Dodger, I am always on my own. Further my points, Chinese saying 'reading relationships' or "Guan Xi' is the key to survice instead of literacy, If possible, Herbeat can interprete it in English for the Chinese phrases"宁可目不识丁, 不可目不识人".
May 10, 2010 21:29
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Larry, you has pinned much hope of me.Huh...
May 10, 2010 23:50
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Originally Posted by GLOOMYSUNDAY

Larry, you has pinned much hope of me.Huh...

Gloomy. I think you are catching the same affliction as Marrie. You should keep your posts at least one page away from hers so that you limit the chance of contagion.
May 11, 2010 05:18
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Note to Yolanda; can you translate Marie’s post please, the English bit, that is.
Ta, Dodger.
May 11, 2010 05:21
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Hmmm... I'm afraid I'm not good at Martians...
May 12, 2010 01:10
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Originally Posted by MARRIE

Dodger, I am always on my own. Further my points, Chinese saying 'reading relationships' or "Guan Xi' is the key to survice instead of literacy, If possible, Herbeat can interprete it in English for the Chinese phrases"宁可目不识丁, 不可目不识人".

Allow me to translate;

Δεν έχω απολύτως καμία ιδέα τι αυτό σημαίνει
May 12, 2010 03:42
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Most Exulted One. Defender of the Faith. Destroyer of the Poor and Helpless. First Among our Citizens. Honorable and most Noble Poobah.
Mr. President.
I thank you.

P.S. note to members. A character from Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘The Mikado’
Most probably from the British colonial India period.
May 15, 2010 23:53
GUESTNANCY Maybe I would have a try.宁可目不识丁, 不可目不识人
It means, It is not important for people to be illiterate or analphabetic , but it must be a tragedy if one can not distinguish the good from the bad, or be bat-blind to judge faces.

Amm...just make do with it...
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