Nothing can do with him?
May 1, 2010 20:37
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It's true, I took a quick trip to Phnom Penh. I needed to return to my to speak. Sharky's bar is still the best place to find company and Hotel California is still the best place to enjoy it. It was great to be back in a country where the only thing that changes is the selection $US20 can buy you. Unsuprisingly I didn't notice a Hooters in PP. Obviously far too tame to survive.

May 2, 2010 19:57
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So a saga comes to an end after the Mods have broken the clan into pieces. Loki goes back to Germany, with Kiaos Dolphin, and start a Tuna sandwich deli,,Dodger goes back in to his castle on the hill,, hiring nurses as belly dancers. Larryboy flys to Japan to buy an old airplane. Rosco and Kiao get married and move to Mexico and start a dance studio. Bobert goes on a rampage attacking a beer truck carrying cheap beer. , for some reason or another all shall reunite again and ME!! Im still for hire for the next story! Narrator
May 2, 2010 20:02
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Why not make it a 3D animated cartonn story.
May 2, 2010 20:17
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Noble Narrator, it’s not over.
Our motto is ‘Never give up, never surrender’
We’ll be back.
May 2, 2010 20:18
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Originally Posted by MARRIE

Why not make it a 3D animated cartonn story.

Good idea! Narrator, you can afford us an excellent movie, right?
May 2, 2010 23:23
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Dearest Voyeur..err..I mean Narrator. Your true identity still eludes me, for now. Those oft repeated double comas should be a giveaway, but my brain is too addled by the grape. However there are other clues in your unique syntax. The use of the word "clan" could be an indication of ethnicity. I have seen the double exclamation marks here somewhere before, but where? The trademark ". ," and the lack of apostrophe's should narrow my search.

Profiling suggests an uneducated, low class, unemployable male with six, or possibly seven fingers on each hand. The number of toes on each foot is not immediately discernable, but certainly more than eight. The intimate knowledge of fellow posters movements suggests a history of stalking. Certainly an individual with a long criminal history. All will be revealed soon. Your true identity is....... elementary my dear Watson.
Last edited by BOBERT: May 2, 2010 23:24
May 3, 2010 04:55
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Bob, I’ve never seen double comas either. Maybe it’s a Swiss thing?
The use of the word ‘clan’ could perhaps mean someone from the ‘deep south’;a mutation of a Septic, or a Scotsman?
But my moneys on a treble clef, Mr. Holmes.
And of course the question remains; is he friend or foe, or will he continue to sit on the fence?
May 3, 2010 05:19
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I suspect the true reason for the double commas is simply the problem of two thumbs on each hand. Likewise the repeated exclamation marks. Rest assured he is not one of "us". Our suspect is temporarily basking in glory but his days are numbered. I always get my man.

May 3, 2010 05:44
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For gods sake Holmes, be careful. You remember full well that despicable chap and scoundrel Moriarty, it was a close run thing.
And please remember your problem that was exposed in our adventure, “The sign of the Four”.

May 3, 2010 05:58
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126 over 85. The nurse is working wonders with your BP Watson.

I suspect the dastardly Moriaty is masquerading as The narrator. He is no match for us. If you remember the secret pact in 'The sign of the four" then you will be confident I am on his trail. Soon he will be exposed for the cowardly criminal he is. Meet me for a quick snort at 221B Baker street and I will explain my trap.

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