Why do Foxconn workers suicide by jumping off the buildings?
May 27, 2010 21:05
  • KEVIN0518
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Just in 5 months, 12 Foxconn workers committed suicide by leaping from the buildings. Two survived. Another worker killed himself in January at a factory in northern China. Yesterday, 13th worker reportedly to kill herself by jumping form his dorm in Foxconn. Later, she was sent to the hospital.

Terry Gou, the chairman of Foxconn arrived in Shenzhen and made apology to the public. After discussing with some psychologists, Foxconn believes that their management has no fault. Those who jumped off the buildings have weak psychological quality and can not control themselves very well. Just after his depart, 12th worker jumped off the building.

Why so many Foxconn workers commit suicide? Who do you think should be responsible for their death?
May 28, 2010 04:55
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I have no idea why they are committing suicide there, but I did hear the other day that they have installed safety nets around the buildings.
May 29, 2010 15:23
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It's notorious that Rusty and poor Tai 台巴子 runs unvicivilized biz in Tear 3 towns and countryside with employees from rural areas in mainland china withhout any sense of concept of what humanity and dignity is. Chinese government should do something to protect their own people's basic human rights and and kick Mr. Guo OUT !

Immage is the biggest intangible asset for a corp. Once it is threatened to be damaged, copr will be sufferred a lot financially sooner or later. Hope Apple would KILL this supplier(Foxconn) as soon as there is proof that there does exist non humanity and mistreatment to employees in Foxconn.
From other source below:

Apple Responds, Confirms Foxconn Employee Suicide

The fact that a Foxconn employee committed suicide or that mistreatment by Foxconn security didn't seem like it was in question, but Apple's official response to the matter just confirms that events did occur at the very least, somewhat along the lines of what was impled.

"We are saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee and we are awaiting results of the investigations into his death," Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet told CNET on Tuesday. "We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect."

If the allegations of mistreatment do turn up to be true, let's hope Apple drops Foxconn as a supplier, even if it means customers have to pay more for their products. One death is one death too many, and it's not as if Foxconn's mistreatment of workers was a secret before.


Apple's iPod Manufacturer Foxconn Admits To Breaking CHINESE Labor Laws

''Chinese workers can be forced to work up to 36 hours extra a month without Inspector Knacker of the Peking Yard raising an eyebrow, but Foxconn's 80 hours is well over this maximum.''

May 29, 2010 21:53
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Originally Posted by DODGER

I have no idea why they are committing suicide there, but I did hear the other day that they have installed safety nets around the buildings.

It is nothing useful when someone insists on commiting suicide. Dodger. The compensation, in my point, is the katalyst for these 13 jumps. Pression is everywhere that only those pressure-sickers would foolishly end their life in this way. Foxconn is a big firm with large number of workers. Not that there is nothing bad about its admin roles. It must be something advisable.
May 30, 2010 21:09
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Originally Posted by DODGER

I have no idea why they are committing suicide there, but I did hear the other day that they have installed safety nets around the buildings.

The upstart, Mr Guo tells the reason by re land scaping his plants as insane asylum.
May 31, 2010 21:25
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You believe it?
May 31, 2010 21:38
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Originally Posted by DODGER

I have no idea why they are committing suicide there, but I did hear the other day that they have installed safety nets around the buildings.

Jumping from the building is not the ONLY way to commit suicide. If they are so sure to die, they will die in other ways, cutting their wrists etc.
May 31, 2010 21:46
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By the way, it is said that the families of those victims could get high compensation from Foxconn. Those ordinary workers may not earn so much money just depending on their wages. If I were one of them, I may jump off the buildings too. See, many workers are from poor families. Their death can help their families get a large quantity of money. With the money, their families needn't lead a very poor life.
Jun 1, 2010 20:27

Originally Posted by MARRIE

The upstart, Mr Guo tells the reason by re land scaping his plants as insane asylum.

Well, he came to Shenzhen to inspect Foxconn factories. Just after his depart, the twelth work jumped off the buildings.

We do not require Mr Guo could be another Bill Gates who donates most of his fortune to his charity organization. But he could have done many things to treat his employee better. Don't let Foxconn be notorious!
Last edited by LONELYJOURNEY: Jun 1, 2010 20:32
Jun 1, 2010 22:15
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Although he presented the press meeting. And apologized to the victimes and thier families, I cannot see his regret. Anyway, those jumps no doubt will cause attention of the whole society. To put eyes on increasing working condition and welfares.
Jun 2, 2010 20:35
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Originally Posted by LONELYJOURNEY View Post

Well, he came to Shenzhen to inspect Foxconn factories. Just after his depart, the twelth work jumped off the buildings.

We do not require Mr Guo could be another Bill Gates who donates most of his fortune to his charity organization. But he could have done many things to treat his employee better. Don't let Foxconn be notoriou...

Don't let Foxconn be notorious? It has already been notorious to the public. Many people call it a "Sweatshop".

Here is a piece of good news! Foxconn has announced 30 percent salary increase to the ordinary workers.
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