3 guys 1 apartment
Jun 8, 2010 23:20
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My God, such a long paragraph. Haha. Maybe, I m strong enough, but I didn't notice others 7 fail to live well.
"If you put 50 men in the same room together,, pretty much they can get along with each other " I can't agree with no hesitation. It is impossible too.
Yes, girls are more likely to wear each other's clothes, but they must in the same size . Further, the FIGHT, I think, I will never let it occur on me. Anyway, funny, your guys interest.
Jun 10, 2010 19:35
  • LOKI
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What about the girls who dont empty the bathroom trashcan of those pink cigarette holder, things with the string on it!! Not good for a small guy like me with curiousity. In a guys apartment,, empty beer cans and pizza crusts taste better!!
Jun 12, 2010 22:57
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Okay, Loki. It is none of your bs. we will leave no chance for you to reach our house if you are not a good listener. But, if not, we do have beer cans.
Dec 4, 2010 20:55
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3 is a magic number that can make things worse or make things better.

Here is another Chinese tale- Three Monks.

From Wiki
A young monk lives a simple life in a temple on top of a hill. He has one daily task of hauling two buckets of water up the hill. He tries to share the job with another monk, but the carry pole is only long enough for one bucket. The arrival of a third monk prompts everyone to expect that someone else will take on the chore. Consequently, no one fetches water though everybody is thirsty. At night, a rat comes to scrounge and then knocks the candleholder, leading to a devastating fire in the temple. The three monks finally unite together and make a concerted effort to put out the fire. Since then they understand the old saying "unity is strength" and begin to live a harmonious life. The temple never lacks water again
Dec 4, 2010 21:13
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the second part of Three Monks

Dec 5, 2010 01:18

Originally Posted by MARRIE

3 is a magic number that can make things worse or make things better.

3 is my lucky number 3 guys in an apartment is no big deal. But if women moves in, the problem happens. Take electricity for example, three boys just share the cost equally. If there are two men and a woman, it is totally different. She may think it is not fair to share the cost equally because she thinks that she doesn't use that much electricity. One male friend of my has been upset about this problem.
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