Why do western women seldom marry Chinese men?
May 19, 2012 08:41
GUEST22984 I am a Chinese girl in Australia. I have a lot of western guys chasing me but all I want is an oringinal chinese boyfriend. Chinese guys are so unique with their unique sense of humor, in a very cute way. They can alwayse make me relax with laughters. I think they are the best marriage material.

Western guys might seem gental at the surface, but they are really more impulsive with their physical needs taking charge of them, which I find very unattractive. In contast, Chinese boys mostly wait things to happen and never push. They like to become friends with the girl and get to know her before wanting to have sex with her, which I find very attractive. They are more respectful because they do not let their sexual needs taking charge.

Not to mention, they are responsible and caring. In fact, I know from newspaper and my foreigner Asian friends, good Chinese guys(well-educated, handsome, polite and responsible) are actually the dream of many Asian girls including Vitnamese, Korean and Japanese. So Chinese guys, be confident. I'd say, to find a decent and intelligent Chinese hubby is one of my dream.

Surly western guys have their advantages, such as their appearence,physical fitness and playfulness. But to choose a life partner, Chinese boy is definitely a good choice.

I know from statistics, the divorce rate of chinesse guy and western girl marriage is the lowest among other unions. only about 4%... In contast, chinese girl and western guy has the highest divorce rate... I am not sure if this is accurate and true, but the logic behind does provoke thinking.

All I want to say is Chinese guys rock!
Jun 3, 2012 13:11
GUEST38153 Exactly its the idiots and the imature that believe the american and british properganda white washing.... i think chinese people have the best features... western peoples features are WAAAYY TO big they are oversized....

and sexy chinese men..... NOT ON TV... thats why white girls believe it again the properganda american hollywood bullshit.... they make asians look weak and non sexy... when in truth there are many handsome chinese guys.. me being one of them, that is fed up of white chicks.. I actually want a chinese girl now...

chinese girls are to me the best looking and alot more feminine, caring, loyal, honest, and make better mothers and wives...
western girls now ARE LIKE MEN... and the girls they like ARE LIKE WOMEN.... again to much TV brainwashing... western girls are stupid...

people say chinese have flat features blar blar blar, that is coming from the caucasians... I put it to them they have HUMONGOUS FEATURES THAT ARE OVERSIZED AND BUTT UGLY... and the most beautiful western girls tend to have smaller more subtle features...

look at it this way,,, the typical celebrity chinese girl would be ZHANG ZIYI,,, the typical western girl (that is obese) would be LADY GAGA.... and to me lady gaga is even called ugly by everyone.... and that is because of her long horse face head, big boggly eyes, and lose huge arse concorn nose...

like someone else said, chinese men look after the family and would do anything for their children.. western men are lazy, and dont pay bills..

i am chinese born in uk very westernised, all my friends are white. i am a little gwai jai myself.. but as i have gotten olden, all i dated was white girls some very pretty. but now things have changed, i have matured and i am at the stage i want a REAL relationship i can settle down in and a girl i want to marry.... and without a doubt its going to be a chinese girl... there is going to be one VERY lucky chinese girl out there
Jun 29, 2012 02:49
GUESTMINAH You should learn how to be respectful, before you ask for respect. Very different from the respectful Chinese guys I've met before. Good that I don't generalize people, even being western.
Jul 4, 2012 14:12
GUEST37143 I am a Chinese man living in US. As of the point about white man are more financially stable, this is a
Fallacy . If you look at IRS Data , Asian make a lot more than average American . But , there is a glass ceiling . I did encounter one as I am trying to climb the management ladder , especially in academic setting .But , I still make a lot more than your average American. In fact 4 to 5 times than average American .
If you are looking for stability. You are better off , loking for a Asian man .

Jul 5, 2012 19:54
GUEST03253 I am a big tall Texas girl and my Chinese husband and I have been married for 25 happy years with two beautiful and smart daughters. Cultural differences occur all the time, but we try to deal with them as the occur. Sex is hot, love is great and I'd die if he was hairy..the thing to work out is WESTERN holidays, grades vs learning and how important is home life over work life. We are still happy and I am lucky to be a part of this beautiful and complex culture. Oh yeah, the mother in law can be a drag....
Jul 7, 2012 14:06
GUEST37143 Chinese men are too serious ??. As a Chinese men in US , I can tell you ,there are plenty of Chinese men Willing to date and looking for a life partner with a causian girl. The problem with Asian mentality is
, when a Chinese men ask for a date out , they are usually looking for some one to share his life. Not just to have fun. This mentality may be scare off some girl. I think if causian girl has that in mind ,may be the relation will work out better
Jul 19, 2012 16:51
chinese men are freaking gorgeous. (one or two that are exceptions to this but mainly hot hot hot)
2.Chinese men are not sexy and manly.
bullshit. two of the most ma ny guys i know are chinese
3.Chinese men are not as humorous as western guys. again false.
4.Chinese men are not gentle enough. They seldom apply the principle of “Ladies first” in their lives this is the biggest lie of them all.

Im a western girl from london. quite good looking and well educated. ive been out will all sorts of boys/men (gosh that makes me sound like a ho ehich im not! lol) anyway ive come accross two chinese men who i bench mark every other man ive dated against. no one comes close. chinese men are amazing.

Do you think the above are reasonable? If you are a western woman, will you marry a Chinese guy?
Aug 16, 2012 22:50
GUEST01337 Hi I'm an American girl I was actually looking into regulations on Chinese to American marriages when I ran accrost this post. Most of it I have to say is compleatly rediculouse!
I just got home from a year in China and my goodness does my opinion differ alot.
First of all with regards to appearance, there is a large variety of Chinese people they don't all have flat faces, slanty eyes and small noses. Heck they don't even all have black hair and brown eyes. But appearence doesn't really matter much as every persons likes and dislikes are different.
As in any country you find some very gentlemanly and some very rude, it's a big mix no generalizations. Also during my year there most of the friends I made where guys (it's just easier for me to be friends) They were all hillariously funny and easy to get along with, they know how to be seriouse when necisary but they don't over use it. They are very loveing and careing for the most part they take care of their women. I have a Chinese boyfriend, and I've never loved anyone more, I'm amazed every day by the depth of our relationship.
P.S. Chest hair doesn't mean much, but just to say I have seen chinese men with chest hair and face hair and muscles. They do exhist.
Aug 24, 2012 09:03
GUEST21035 Here another white girl happily in love with her Chinese beau.

So Chinese guys are ugly? Every nationality / race has its share of beauties and beasts.
Unromantic? What is romance anyway? We laugh about it a lot and we have our romantic moments. That has nothing to do with candles and flowers. Commitment, honesty, friendship, sparks etc are much more important than that vaguely overrated thing called romance.
Hairy chests, who needs them? My boyfriend has such great skin, it feels fantastic.
Not funny? We laugh a lot and have a lot of silly fun.

The cultural differences are extremely interesting and we are genuinely interested in each other's histories and culture. A big plus in our relationship is that my Chinese boyfriend does take care of me, in a way that my former western boyfriends never did. Did I mention that he's extremely generous?

All in all I am crazy in love with my Chinese man, and if our relationship develops further, I'd love to marry him. We'll see, but we think we have 'yuan fen'.

My advice is just wait until you find someone with whom you have a click, a common interest, share the same sense of humor and look at it from the personal perspective . I can't say anything about ALL chinese guys, but I know that mine is really very special.

I do think that many chinese guys are too shy when it comes to western women, which is a shame. So western ladies, just take the first step and you might be in for a pleasant surprise.
Sep 15, 2012 08:48
I would seriously marry a Chinese man if he wants to marry me. However, some Chinese do think that only white and blue eyes from some nations can provide them with social development.
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