Why do western women seldom marry Chinese men?
Oct 13, 2012 02:24

Originally Posted by CHERRY07 View Post


As a Chinese girl, I thank you for your praise to Chinese men. There are many Chinese men who take good care of their wife and family. But there are some Chinese men who just do everything before marrying his girl to please her. As long as he gets married with his girl, he will change into another man who never wash...

I can not agree you more as a Chinese woman who married a Chinese man for 20 years. He treated me very good before we married, even after married. But when he believed that he had a good future, his attitude totally changed. He has abused me for several years.

I also know some Chines men treat western women much better than Chinese women because they worship blind faith in foreign things, as well as Western women. So I would like to tell you ,who married or are dating to Chinese guys, the truth that they are not really gentle men, they are trying to pretend gentlemen before you. I do know some Chinese gentlemen, but not many.
Oct 13, 2012 02:29

Originally Posted by WILDCAT

or maybe it's because these women have changed from cuties to monsters after getting that fake diamond ring and their bulging 25 square meters' apartment with 5 rooms paid by the man? But anyways shit happens, :-)

wildcat, just see what you said, people already knew that you are not a gentleman! This is a typical Chinese man.
Nov 8, 2012 19:54
GUEST37893 The funny thing's that my Chinese husband, born and raised in China, often gets mistaken as the Western foreigner and I'm Chinese. But I'm the American! xD; I'm Filipino born and raised in the US. Before knowing my husband, I was raised with all those 4 things OP listed (+ some ugly stereotypes). Not so much that I believed them fully (I still thought Asian guys were attractive), more that I felt I didn't have a chance because it's usually Chinese girls or Caucasian girls that had the Asian guys. But my husband and several Chinese guys I've met here in China are ridiculously good looking, kind, and very humorous. :D He's very loud, funny, but can be serious when necessary, and tries his best to take care of me. So he's mine, nyah! 8D We both have our shortcomings, so we do our best to improve ourselves together.

There are great Chinese men that will give Western women a chance, just that they're a bit challenging to find.

Oh yeah, I did meet one Chinese guy with hair on his chest. XD
Nov 16, 2012 00:02
GUEST17251 ha ha ,thanks
Nov 25, 2012 00:46
GUEST15641 I supposed its due to lesser interaction between the chinese guys and white woman.
But on the other perspectives, the chinese guys have plenty of choice in this part of the world where the oriental girls of fair skin, slim & slender body etc... are basically the dominant female pool in Asia and some how inter-ralated which are the prefer choice for the chinese guys. Simply put it as the chinese guys are not desparate lot who are out there finding white or western woman.
Nov 27, 2012 21:04
GUEST58126 Im from Singapore aged 15, and a pure chinese. For those who say we are traditional, truthfully we are not! The chinese traditions here have all faded. Our weddings are all westernised and theres not even a single infulence of the chinese tradition in our weddings! Im pure chinese but i can only dpeak basic Mandrain, ive been learing it for ages and i still just know the basics. I truthfully jave no interest at all in my culture and language. Everyone here is more or less westernised in terms of our eating style, dressing style and also our language we speak. I know nothing about my tradition and i rarely eat chinese food , only at wedding banquets or special celebrations which include my burthday ones. Other than that, i live on western / european food! My mom cooks steaks and pastas like everyday as if she is a westerner herself, the people here are all used to being so called westernised and i'll definitely marry a western woman if i can find one, and it will be hard i guess, because i heard western woman despice chinese man...... But i'll still try:)
Dec 1, 2012 17:31
GUEST13628 Love is love! I've been raised to believe that the colour of your skin does NOT define the content of your character. Some people like apples; others love oranges. Is one piece of fruit 'better' or 'tastier' than another? It's just a matter of personal preference.

-Maybe you love apples because they grow on the trees in your garden, and you haven't tried guava before as they are a tropical fruit unsuited for a temperate English climate.
-Maybe you hear your friends talking about the guava they ate on holiday??
-Maybe you might quite like the taste once you try it??

If we all only wanted to eat apples, the supply would decrease, the cost would rise dramatically and this is clearly very bad in economic terms, and I suspect would lead to wars, pestilence and the apocalypse!!

Am marrying my Mainland Chineser Boy (Oxford-educated and soon to be Doctor) in 3 weeks as he's the only one who I truly believe can put up with my nonsense! I'm Caucasian on the outside and red like everyone else on the inside!!!
Dec 19, 2012 00:24

Originally Posted by GUEST01170

I completely agree with guestflower, I think Chinese boys are very attractive. I hate when a man's chest has hair, that makes them look not clean, I find hairy man VERY UNATTRACTIVE, i don't like them at all. I'd be glad to find someday a good chinese man to be my partner in life.

By the way,can i??? i am a chinese boy,and attractive..
Dec 20, 2012 14:02
GUEST61120 Aloha:

There are some differences in cultural practices. An African friend of mine was about to marry a Chinese man;whose mother encouraged her son to "propose to such a beautiful and talented African girl" . Then she found out that he was not circumcised which most Chinese men are not. In African culture uncircumsized men are thought to be "unclean". This may be due to the Islamic effect or the increase risk of cervical cancer.For an adult male this operation is painful. Would most "Western women" be willing to accept this or not is the question? Most "Eastern men" would have to be willing to overcome "cultural shyness" to date and marry a "Western woman" who are taught to be independent, and assertive. But personally if Jay Chow or Chow Yong Fat approached me I'd be speechless and too shy to answer.

Dec 24, 2012 05:47
GUEST39140 i love white blonde girls
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