Updated website
Aug 4, 2010 20:21

Originally Posted by HERBEAT

Photographers, I'd also like to get a new camera. For the basic photograph, what do you suggest?

My suggestion: Panasonic LX3, Canon G10 or G11 suits you best. All these cameras are not big and it is very convenient for you to carry. A DSLR is heavy. You are a tour guide, right? Do you want to carry a DSLR and several lens to climb the mountain? Besides, if you don't know photography, you can not use DSLR to take very beautiful pictures though DSLR is so common today. Most families can afford to buy one.

The cameras I mentioned above are high-end digital cameras. They can meet your requirements. If you are still dissatisfied with these cameras, you can buy 3/4 micro cameras. They are smaller than DSLR cameras but the quality is as good as DSLR (for beginners), even better than them. You can change 3/4 micro cameras’ lens too. Panasonic GF1, Olympus EP1 and Sony NEX series. But the prices are more expensive if you want to buy new lens for them.

The following is GF1 with some lens and flash. It has several colors: red, black, white and pink.

Aug 4, 2010 20:23
I am not a photographer but a photography lover. Davec is a photograhper. He can offer you some good advice.
Aug 4, 2010 23:59
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Thank you very much longlyjo... That would help (if I know a bit information about the cameras). But the fact is that I'm too lazy to do any research. So when I came across your discussion, I just pop in and raised that question. I'll save the information you offer and select one you mentioned. Thank you very much:-) Oh, and no time no see, lol~~
Aug 5, 2010 00:04
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Oh, BTW, I was a tour guide for about three years but then I changed my job. Now I work for a company which deal with lots of travel but not a tour guide anymore. But I still love travelling.
Aug 5, 2010 00:46
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The camera you choose will depend on the the features you require. I suggest you take a look around some camera shops when you are out shopping next.
If you only want snapshots and never enlarge your photos then a small compact will be enough, if you wish to learn about photography and become more serious with it then a system camera or DSLR may be the way to go.
I have many £1000s of equipment because I need to control what I take, I need to have camera and lens for the type of photos I take. Everything I have is because I need it, I take outdoor photos so dont have a flash, I walk a lot so camera is in backpack, consider things like this.

For all the equipment I own, I still have a small compact digital camera for snapshots, the photos on my website of the Chinese food were all taken with it. Good enough quality and cost me £90, about 900rmb
Aug 16, 2010 21:23
Hey Herbeat,

Have you bought your camera now?

Dear Dave,

I just know that you have a Nikon D200 but don't know you have good equipment. How many lens and filters do you have?
Aug 17, 2010 00:33
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I have an extra Nikon, always carry spare camera in case of problems.
My lenses,
Sigma EX 10-20mm
Sigma EX 18-50mm F2.8
Sigma 35MM f1.4
Nikon 85mm F1.8

Filters?, I just use the basics, Polariser, Graduated grey and 81 series warm up. All my filter are Cokin P series.
For convenience and to save back problems I keep it all in a backpack, it allows both hands free and keeps the weight evenly over both shoulders.
And my best friend .....Velbon Sherpa tripod, carbon fibre, light and very strong, costs about 3000RMB without head which I had to buy seperate.
Aug 17, 2010 01:16
Dave, I am wordless now. You are a pro. This is no doubt.

I've learnt from a photography website that polariser and graduated grey filters are necessary when you take landscape photos. And wide-angle lens are very important too. Your Sigma EX 10-20mm is an ultra wide-angle len, right?

You have invested a lot to your photography. A tripod costs 3000 RMB with out its head (pan unit)? So expensive. Currently, I can't afford to buy these necessities. I am struggling with buying a nikon DSLR.
Aug 17, 2010 02:18
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Originally Posted by LONELYJOURNEY

Hey Herbeat,

Have you bought your camera now?

Ashame to say but I haven't... I'm very very lazy, and esp since it's too hot here in Beijing, I wasn't really interested in going out and shopping for a camera... Meanwhile, a camera isn't a necessary stuff for me since I only take landscape pics. But that needs to be done during my travel. Again, too lazy to go out recently... lol... Anyway, I'm sure Dave is a professional photography... I could hardly read the words he mentioned without a dictionary
Aug 22, 2010 02:43
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Herbeat, if you are so lazy not to shop for a camera, do you really need one? maybe too lazy to carry it hehe.

Of course there is another option, camera phone, I dont like them because they are too slow to take photos but my mobile phone has 1gb card and at 5M is good enough for snap shots.
They are easy to print via bluetooth and of course we all carry a phone, or in my case 2.
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